If She Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will

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Now no longer having to worry much about Hunter, Kali was finally able to get some peaceful sleep. However, the nightmares still came back to haunt her each ending with her getting beaten and losing the Dalmatian family forever to an old evil enemy.  

That same old feminine villain's face from long ago flashed in Kali's face, laughing maniacally at her. Kali screamed as she shot up in her bed, waking up from her nightmare. She took in a few shaky deep breaths before looking around her quiet room, seeing that it was morning. 

"Uh, Kali?..." 2 familiar voices spoke. 

The adventure girl then looked down seeing Dylan and Dolly, who had slept with her last night, looking up at her in concern. 

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked looking worried to his human friend. 

"Yeah, you look like they just sold out tickets to one of those Boy Bands or something" Dolly said, looking a bit more confused. 

Kali looked at the two Dalmatians who cared about her the most since she first came to 101 Dalmatian Street. And she cared dearly for them as well. How couldn't she? She had always been viewed like the protective older sister to the pups, especially Dylan and Dolly. They really looked up to her. But she didn't want to worry them with her nightmares and crazy predictions.

The two Dalmatian siblings already seemed to sense though that something was bugging the adventure girl as Dylan spoke to her. 

"You seem tense. You know there's nothing to worry about now, right?" He told the human in a calm, comforting tone. 

"Yeah, we kicked that bozo's butt!" Dolly added, referring about Hunter. "He's never going to bother us again. And if he does, we'll just throw him a stick sending him back into his dog-like trance" 

Kali managed a small smile to Dylan and Dolly, but mostly still seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. "Yeah... Gotcha, guys" She trailed off while getting up, still a bit sleep deprived as she trudged over towards her closet. 

Dylan turned to her, sensing something else was up. "Are you sure you're okay?"

That's when Dolly noticed Kali's suitcase at the end of her bed on the floor and sniffed it. "Why is your suitcase packed up?"

Kali immediately ran towards her suitcase, grabbed it and tossed it in the closet quickly hiding it away. "Nothing! Forget about it!" She told them, appearing quite suspicious. Dylan and Dolly just blinked at their friend in confusion. 

As Kali was rearranging stuff in her closet, Dylan and Dolly started whispering to each other as they had something important to tell Kali. The step-siblings soon began arguing who was going to tell her first. 

"You tell her" Dolly whispered to Dylan. 

"Me? Why can't you tell her?" Dylan whispered back to his sister. 

"It was your idea!" Dolly whispered harshly, getting annoyed with her step-brother. 

The two Dalmatians were soon wrestling each other without Kali even noticing as she was still rummaging through her closet. After that quick scuffle, the siblings finally both took in deep breaths and decided they were going to tell her together. 

"Listen, Kali..." Dylan started, already seeming to fiddle with his paws a bit. "We've been thinking..."

"About your totally awesome adventures!" Dolly cut in. 

"Yeah," Dylan spoke up. "Hearing all your stories about heroism and discoveries of the unknown has left us very intrigued"

"Even that one unexpected time-travelling experience with a big red dog" He murmured, mentioning an incident that happened a few months ago between the siblings with Kali's crystal. 

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