Dante's Inferno!

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6 Months Later...

It was a great day to be out at the park and that's just what the Dalmatian family was doing. Charlie was helping Da Vinci out with her street art while Kali was playing fetch with Dylan and some of the other dogs in the park. 

Kali sighed happily. "What a perfect day to have the whole family out playing in the park" She commented before throwing the frisbee. 

"You said it!" Dylan said, chasing after the frisbee and caught it. "Especially with everything being normal for the past few... Actually I can't remember how long its been since we've had a problem"

"I couldn't agree more" Charlie spoke, coming over. 

"Yeah, bring it here!" The adventure girl held her fist out to Charlie and they fist bumped. 

Dylan watched the two humans with interest, trying so hard to make a fist with his paw but it proved to be much more difficult for him then he thought.  

The space-loving Dalmatian groaned in defeat before looking up at his human companions. "You guys have to show me how to do that"

Charlie chuckled, patting Dylan's head. "Not to worry buddy, you'll get the hang of it eventually"

"Yeah, we'll teach you" Kali added to him. 

The trio then heard some commotion and turned their heads towards the skateboarding area of the park where most of the puppies were gathered and decided find out what was going on. There, they found Dolly showing off another one of her crazy daredevil stunts while the rest of the pups were cheering on their big sister. Except for one familiar goth pup. 

"So not gonna end well..." Dante covered his eyes with his ears before opening them again stating dramatically. "But end it will!" 

Dolly then jumped right over Dante before nailing the perfect landing. 

"Ta-da!" Dolly smiled while all the puppies cheered for her. 

"Well done, Dolly" Charlie applauded. 

"Way to go, Doll!" Kali praised Dolly. "You really ripped it up that time!" 

The puppies continued cheering, except for Dante who was still crouched down in a defensive position. Dizzy and DeeDee both giggled, jumping over him. "Silly Dante! Wrong again!" 

"Luck hasn't been on your side lately, huh Dante?" Kali crouched down and pet Dante. 

"Yeah what was that like the 17th time this week?" Charlie questioned the goth Dalmatian. 

"Ok, so I've had a few fails..." Dante admitted embarrassingly. 

"Oh, yeah? Like the storm of the apocalypses?" Delgado gave an example. 

"Or the time you thought the floods were upon us" DJ gave another one. 

"Or even the time you thought aliens were coming to suck out our brains!" Deepak added, looking annoyed. 

"Aw. But I can see the future!" Dante insisted before suddenly getting hit by a ball that knocked him over. "Ow!"

"Ha! Didn't see that coming though, did ya, Dante?" Dimitri 1 mocked before the Dimitri trio started laughing. 

All the other puppies joined in including Dylan and Dolly. 

"Dante and his predictions" Dolly laughed. 

Dante started feeling sad and humiliated with his siblings teasing him. Charlie and Kali noticed and decided to step in. 

"Alright you all, that's enough" Charlie sternly but gently told the rest of the puppies. 

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