London, We have a Problem Part 2

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After a few stressful minutes of waiting, the barking chain finally got back Dorothy's distress call to Dalmatian Street. Kali, Charlie, Dylan and Dolly were all waiting anxiously at the window when they heard the dogs howling all over London and Dylan soon gasped with delight. 

"What?!" Charlie noticed Dylan's sudden behavioral change. "What is it? What are they saying?"

"It's Dorothy!" Dylan replied, beaming. "She's safe!" 

"Oh, thank goodness" Kali sighed a relief. 

The four friends began jumping and dancing around the room, happy that Dorothy was okay. 

"But wait..." Kali stopped the gang's celebration for a moment to ask the question. "Where is she?" 

Just then, more howling from the London dogs was heard outside. Dolly perked up her ear to get a good listen in. 

"She's at Big Tower" The female Dalmatian replied. 

"Big Tower?..." Charlie and Kali both repeated, thinking quietly. 

"Do you know where that is?" Dolly asked her human friends. 

"No, sorry" Charlie shook his head. 

"I've never heard of it" Kali replied, despite being to London dozens of times. 

"I might..." Dylan spoke up. 

The other three turned to the pedantic Dalmatian. They noticed how he was thinking before Charlie caught him giving a nervous look and whispering an "Uh-Oh". 

"You want me to come with you?" Charlie offered him. 

"Huh?" Dylan still seemed to be in a bit of a nervous trance, but he certainly didn't want to go alone to this place. "Uh, yeah, sure! Actually, that would be nice..."

The others gave Dylan a bit of a confused look, knowing something seemed off with him. 

"Charlie and I will go while you two hold down the fort" Dylan instructed the girls as he and Charlie started heading downstairs. But the tomboyish Dalmatian and adventuresome human girl stepped in front of them, blocking their path. 

"You guys don't know what you're getting yourselves into" Kali protested. "And besides, it's Dorothy!"

"She's right" Dolly agreed. "You're going to need our help" 

"No need!" Dylan quickly denied, his voice cracking. 

Charlie was more tranquil. "I'm pretty sure we got this handled. Besides, no one would dare mess with us after I show them these" He then boasted, flexing his muscles. All that highly skilled marine training certainly wasn't for nothing. 

"We'll be back before you can say 'Spots at Highnoon'" Charlie called to them as he and Dylan dashed out the door. 

But they weren't getting rid of the girls that easily. The human and Dalmatian looked at each other. 

"You thinking it?..." Kali asked Dolly. 

"Yeah!" Dolly replied, being able to read the girl's mind. 

The girls knew there was something Dylan wasn't telling them. And they were going to find out what. 

"Dawkins, you're in charge!" Dolly called to the science nerdy pup, as she and Kali quickly dashed out the door after the boys. 

"Oh, kibbles!" Dawkins groaned before all of the puppies dogpiled him. 

Dylan and Charlie raced to Big Tower where Dorothy was being held as fast as their legs would go, without knowing that the girls were secretly following them. Dylan kept crying out Dorothy's name being worried sick while Charlie kept assuring him that things were going to be okay. They soon arrived at the location and ran inside the dark creepy building without thinking twice what awaited in there for them. They ran up a couple flights of stairs which wasn't a problem for Charlie since he was a trained athlete, and Dylan was too worried about Dorothy to be tired. 

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