Chapter Twelve

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Commissioner Gordon stands near the edge of the rooftop, watching over the surrounding city.

Bruce Wayne enters through a service door and walks towards her.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Just like old times, huh? Meeting up here.

BRUCE: I guess you could say that.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: So what have you got for me?

BRUCE: I talked to Julian Day. He seemed scared, but I don't think he's directly involved in the murders.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: Directly? You think he might be indirectly involved?

BRUCE: It's possible. A lot of planning went into this. To find the victims alone, bypass all the security systems. I don't think this is the work of one person. There could be lots of people who only know small pieces of the plan.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: So how does Adalyn Stern play into this?

BRUCE: I don't know. But I don't think she could recreate the Scarecrow's fear venom on her own. Someone is helping her.

COMMISSIONER GORDON: One of your old enemies? Only problem is, they're all dead or in Arkham.

Bruce thinks for a moment.

BRUCE: Not all.


HARVEY DENT (80) sits in the shadows as he watches the TV.

The doorbell rings. He sighs and gets slowly to his feet, moving like it takes a great deal of effort. He shuffles over to the front door. We get a good look at his face and see that he has had plastic surgery and skin grafts, but one side of his face still has the scars from his Two Face days.

He opens the door and stares out. Bruce Wayne is standing on his doorstep.

HARVEY: Bruce?

BRUCE: Harvey. Good to see you. How have you been?

HARVEY: I've been... fine. What's the occasion? I assume this isn't business, or you'd be in uniform.

Bruce smiles.

BRUCE: It's a little early for Halloween, isn't it? Can I come in?

Harvey waves him inside. He turns on the light. The living room is pretty much split down the middle. One side is neat and organized, the other side is chaotic and messy.

Bruce walks through the room, surveying everything carefully.

HARVEY: Coffee? Tea? Something harder?

BRUCE: I'm good thanks.

HARVEY: Sit. Make yourself comfortable.

Bruce does. Harvey sits down opposite him.

HARVEY: So what can I do for you?

BRUCE: Been keeping up with the news?

HARVEY: I try not to.

BRUCE: So you haven't heard about the murders of Alexander Knox and Cal Newton?

Harvey has a wry grin.

HARVEY: I may have read something in the paper.

BRUCE: How about Adalyn Stern? You know her?

Harvey shakes his head.

HARVEY: Name's not familiar.

BRUCE: She escaped from Arkham Asylum a few weeks back. Apparently she's a big fan of your old friend the Scarecrow.

Harvey chuckles.

HARVEY: Friend? What, do you think all the supervillains used to hang out in a bar somewhere discussing our plans? I don't think I ever even met the gentleman.

BRUCE: And I suppose you have an alibi for the nights of those murders?

HARVEY: I was probably having drinks with an old police buddy. I can get you his contact info.

Bruce sighs and stands up. He sees a picture of a smiling middle-aged woman on the shelf.

BRUCE: I was sorry to hear about what happened to Gilda.

HARVEY: We all were.

BRUCE: I should get going.

HARVEY: So are you going to tell the Commissioner I'm in the clear?

BRUCE: Not my call. But for what it's worth, it looks like you've turned a corner, Harvey. I hope it sticks this time.

HARVEY: At my age, I don't really have a choice. My days of criminal capers are long behind me.

BRUCE: Well, I better run. Thanks.

Harvey nods. Bruce walks out.

HARVEY: Take care, Bruce.


Stephanie walks up a hill. She is wearing a hoodie to hide her face. She reaches the top and sees Wayne Manor revealed.


She walks towards it until she reaches a high-wire fence. She gently reaches towards the fence. It hums as her hand approaches it. She gently taps it and a spark shoots out, knocking her back.

STEPHANIE: Mother...

She sucks her singed fingers. She looks up at the high fence.

STEPHANIE: This is going to take some planning.

She slowly walks away.


Harvey Dent is drifting off to sleep in front of the television.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, snapping him awake. He shuffles over to the front door. Opens it.

There is no one on the doorstep.

HARVEY: Hello?

He starts to close the door.

Suddenly the Scarecrow jumps in front of the doorway. She blows through a tube and a dart shoots into Harvey's neck. Harvey stumbles back, grabbing his throat.

The Scarecrow laughs.

THE SCARECROW: Time to pay for your crimes, Mr. Dent.

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