The First Victim

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"Hey Kwangsoo, do you know where did Jaesuk go?" Jongmin asked him. 

"No, I don't. Did you try to call him?" Kwangsoo replied. Jongmin sighed and put his hand on his waist. 

"I did. But it went to voice mail." Jongmin explained. 

"Maybe we should go to his house and check then," Kwangsoo suggested. 

"Oh right. Why didn't I think of that?" Jongmin stated. 

"Cause you're a fool, hyung." Kwangsoo insulted. 

"Yah! You're just like me, you know!" Jongmin stated. 

"Aishh" Kwangsoo cursed. 

"Aishh? Did you just curse?" Jongmin stated. 

"Aniya. I was meaning I see." Kwangsoo tried to cover it up. 

Jongmin just looked at Kwangsoo before continued walking. 

"Where are you going?" Kwangsoo asked. 

"To Jaesuk's office," Jongmin stated. 

"But isn't his office this way?" Kwangsoo asked. 

"No, it's this way!" Jongmin pointed. 

Just like that, they continued to argue before deciding to open up the GPS on their phone. It turned out they were both wrong.  They quickly got on the car afterward and started driving to Jaesuk's office. 


After arriving at Jaesuk's office...

Jongmin and Kwangsoo saw a paper was taped on the door. 

"Yah, Kwangsoo! There's something on the door!" Jongmin pointed, telling Kwangsoo to got take it down.

Kwangsoo quickly went up and grabbed the paper. He read it out loud. 

I'll be out for a few days to do some secret errands. My phone will be off. If you need me, I should be back in a few days. 


"He left for some errands?" Jongmin stated. "That's strange. He didn't even mention it to last night." 

"Maybe he forgot. You know him." Kwangsoo suggested. 

"I guess so." Jongmin stated, "Well...I better get going then. I have some delivery to run." 

"Okay. Bye Hyung. Drive safely!" Kwangsoo reminded. Jongmin quickly left. Kwangsoo started walking down the porch before he bumped into a familiar figure. 

"Oh mianhe." Kwangoo quickly bowed. 

"Oh no. It's my fault. Gwechana?" the person said. "Oh it's you! Are you feeling better now?" 

"You know me?" Kwangsoon confusedly asked. 

"No, not really. Yesterday, you bumped into after consuming too much alcohol. Your friends have to help you walk steadily." the person explained. 

Kwangsoo still puzzled, trying to recall last night's events. "Oh really? I apologize for my actions last night." Kwangsoo. 

"It's fine. Anyway, do you work here?" the person asked, pointing to the office. 

" This is my friend's office. He's out to run some errands already. Do you need something, miss?" Kwangsoo explained. 

"Oh called me Minyoung." Minyoung smiled, "I was wondering if I could hire him to investigate someone for me. But I guess not." 

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