Our Life Before Pt. 1

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"Yahh! Kwangsoo! Over here!" a man wearing a grey suit waved to the guy in a brown coat, who just entered the restaurant. 

"Oh hi, Jaesuk-hyung!" Kwangsoo waved back. He headed towards the table. 

"Yah...you're late," Jaesuk complained. 

"Jongmin-hyung isn't here yet? So technically I'm not." Kwangsoo retorted back. 

"That's true. What is that Jongmin doing anyway? Aishh..." Jaesuk stated. 

"Hyung, you're not the one to complain. Last time we waited for you like 3 hours." Kwangsoo pointed out. 

"I have my reasons alright," Jaesuk stated. 

"Whatever." Kwangsoo said, "Oh Jongmin-hyung is here. Hyung over here!" Kwangsoo waved to a man in a leather coat. 

"Hi Kwangsoo! Jaesuk-hyung." Jongmin stated as he took a seat next to Kwangsoo. "Man is cold outside." 

"Anyway, can we order the food now?" Kwangsoo asked. 

"Yeh. Let's do that." Jaesuk stated, waving to a nearby waiter. 

"Excuse me! We're ready to order now." Jaesuk stated. 

"Coming!" the person replied. 

"What can I get for you today?" the waiter asked, walking toward them. 

The 3 looked up and was awed by how handsome the waiter it. 

"You're so handsome." Jongmin blurted out bluntly. Causing all to burst in laughter. 

The waiter smiled shyly and muttered a thank you. 

"Yah...hyung, how could you just blurted it out like that?" Kwangsoo asked. 

"What's wrong with complimenting him?" Jongmin asked. 

"You know, he might already have a girlfriend. You have no chance Jongmin-ah." Jaesuk teased. 

"Yah hyung, what's your talking about?" Jongmin stated. They all laughed. 

The waiter let out a cough before continuing, "What would you like to order?" 

"Oh yeh. almost forgot. Sorry." Jaesuk quickly brushed it off, seeing how the waiter is getting embarrassed. "Can you get us 3 portions of short ribs, 1 portion of pork belly, 5 ramyun, 3 kimchi, and 3 soju?" 

"Got it. Right away." the waiter stated as he finished scribbling everything down. Before the waiter could leave, Jaesuk asked for his name. 

"Hang on, may we know your name?" Jaesuk asked politely. 

"Ah...My name is Sehun." the waiter answered and left. 

After Sehun left, the trio continued their conversation until another waiter came and handed them the soju. 

"Here's your soju." the waiter said politely. 

"Wow. You look so young." Jongmin blurted out again, causing another burst in laughter. The waiter laughed.

"Yah! What's wrong with you today?" Jaesuk asked. 

"What's wrong? She looks young. So that's why---" Jongmin protested. Jaesuk quickly turned to the waiter and apologized. 

"Sorry for my friend here. He is always like that." Jaesuk said. 

"Gwenchana. he is funny-looking." the waiter teased back. 

"Right?" Jaesuk laughed along with her. 

"Yah, what do you mean by funny-looking?" Jongmin asked her but before she could reply, the earlier waiter, Sehun came with the meat portion. 

"Here's your order," Sehun said and begin to place down the food. 

The female waiter quickly helped him, "let me you hyung-nim." 

"Hyung-nim?" Kwangsoo asked in confusion, "shouldn't you call him 'oppa'?" 

"Ah, she has a cringeyness for the word 'oppa' if she is not addressing it to her own brother," Sehun explained. 

"Ahh...so you're 'hyung-zone' by her?" Jongmin asked. 

Silence...And then a burst in laughter. 

"Ahahahahaaa" they all laughed. 

"What weird language are you saying?" Jaesuk asked Jongmin. 

"Yah hyung, I think you need to relearn all the Hangul grammar?" Kwangsoo stated. 

Sehun and the female waiter finished placing down the food. Before they left, Jaesuk asked for the girl's name. 

"May we know your name?" he asked. 

"ahh...my name is Sejeong. Nice to meet you all" she smiled and bowed politely before heading off back to work. 

"If you need anything, you can press the bell and we'll come," Sehun instructed and nodded before leaving. 

"Sehun and Sejeong," Jaesuk muttered, "Interesting." 

"Yah hyung, what are you up to?" Kwangsoo asked. 

"His 'shipper' blood is on." Jongmin teased. 

"Yah. What are you talking about?" Jaesuk stated and laughed, "Grill the meat will ya?" 

"Alright. Alright," they replied.


Back at Sehun & Sejeong....

"Ahh, only half an hour left," Sejeong muttered. 

"Hey Sejeong-ah, do you wanna go somewhere after our shift later?" Sehun scratches his head and asked. 

"Eh? I would love to. But I have an exam tomorrow. Need to go back and study. how about tomorrow night, Hyung? since neither of us has shifts tomorrow. We could go get some drink." Sejeong suggested. 

"Mhm...Okay then. Do you wanna play a game tomorrow?" Sehun hinted mischievously. 

"No thank you. I know how competitive you are." Sejeong waved, as she poured water into empty cups. 

"Then how about a movie?' Sehun asked. 

"Sure oppa. But we have to ask Jaewook-ajeossi first." Sejeong reminded him. 

"Alright. Alright." Sehun nodded. 

"I'm going to the next table. See ya later." Sejeong smiled at him before him. Sehun smiled back, watching her carrying the water tray out and greets incoming guests. 

To Be Continued...

[A/N] Sehun & Sejeong are sharing the same house [like in S3 Ep 1] situation. Jaewook's house is where they are renting. :)))) 

So here's the appearance of the first 5 characters. What do you think? You are free to give me any advice or suggestion on what I should improve ^_^ 

Til' next time, 


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