"Oh my goodness! It's her! It's really her!" Wanda squealed jumping up and down getting a group of laughter from the men and Pepper, but only an eye roll and smirk from Nat. Typical.

"Wanda." Y/N smiled at her overly energetic friend who without a thought was already running into the princess's arms.

"Wanda!" Nat scolded from behind as she came up to remove her from Y/N who was only laughing at the gesture.

"It's fine." Y/N chuckled once Wanda was pulled back. "I miss you both too. Both of you come here!" She said opening her arms wide for her two ladies in waiting.

Wanda sent Nat a look asking for permission and Nat nodded before falling into the hug as well.

After some light laughter and embracing they all pulled back looking at each other.

"You two have grown so much. Look at all the beauty here." Y/N said examining them.

"Us? Are you kidding? You're putting the royal genes to higher standards. How did you turn out so perfect?" Wanda said crossing her arms.

"Good genes one would say." she winked.

"I'm the one who would say." Tony said coming closer as the two ladies shuffled back and bowed. "You look as stunning as always my dear. I'm glad to have you back." he said with open arms.

"Me too dad. It's good to be back." She smiled before going into the big bear hug. "Where's the little bean?"

"Being a drama princess somewhere I'm sure." Pepper said coming up and giving her a hug as well. "I would advise not calling her Bean either. She just started the whole," she leaned in for only Y/N to hear. "Lady cycle, and it's not treating her so well. Or us." she huffed.

Y/N laughed at the thought of it.

"Well then, she's definitely grown since I've last seen her than." she said folding her arms in front of her and straightening her posture.

"Grown indeed. Just as you have." Tony smirked. "Let's go inside, hmm?" he hummed. "We have a plethora of things planned for today, and your ladies will need to get you prepared for it." he said turning on his heel as she followed close behind everyone else following as well. "Clinton, Samuel, make sure she gets to her room and her luggage is taken there as well. Afterward, you two are free to get ready for tonight."

"Yes, your highness." they both replied.

Y/N turned looking at the two boys she had yet to reunite with and smiled at them. Both of them giving her goofy grins as if she had never left. She jokingly returned them with a wink.

"What's happening tonight?" the princess asked once turned back around.

"Only the best of the best for my little girl." Tony cheered sending a smirk to her before going back to waltzing into the castle.

"I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means." Y/N mumbled.

"Natasha and Wanda will prepare you for tonight. No need to worry about any of it. They have all the details." he said.

She sent a worried look to the girls and Wanda just blushed and giggled while Nat shrugged sending the princess a smirk like her father.

"Oh goodness." Y/N sighed before moving along.

Once in the hall of the castle Tony turned back to his daughter.

"I'll see you later tonight my dear. I am so glad you're back and safe and sound." he smiled giving her one last hug. "Wanda, Nat, you know what to do. Clint, Sam you as well."

10 Years TimeWhere stories live. Discover now