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Okay, I usually don't put these in front of the chapter, but this one's kind important so bear with me for a second. 

I want you guys to know that I'm going on hiatus until the end of may, because I have 5 APs that I haven't been studying for. And I'm kinda failing two classes rn, soo I really need to focus on those. 

Mistletoe is NOT over, I still have two more chapters after this one, so stay tuned. 

I'm also posting two new books, with about two chapters each, which will be continued when I come back at the end of may. So go check those out if you wanna read more stuff by me, ig. 

ANywayz, I'll see you all at the end of may after my APs. K byee!!!


Katsuki's POV

Our first date.

I glanced over my appearance for what seemed like the thirtieth time as I passed the mirror in my dorm. I stared at the shirt I was wearing specifically, tugging at the collar to try and fix it's position.

I smoothed out the rest of the shirt, feeling satisfied that it wasn't messy and looked like it was ironed, before trying to smooth my hair down as well. But, as usual, it stuck back up in it's usual messy condition.

I shot it a glare through the mirror, trying to see if there was anything that would possibly help it stay down.


I scowled one last time before giving up, and grabbing the jacket that was laying over the back of the desk chair. I stepped out of the dorm room, trying to stay calm and collected as I walked to the other side of the hallway, where Y/N's room was.

I took a deep breath as I stared at its' wooden exterior, glaring at the stupid door knob right in front of me.

Why am I so nervous to go in her room now? It's not like I had any problems with it before. I walked in on her coming out from a SHOWER for fuck's sake. What the hell is wrong with me?

To me, it was so weird to be around Y/N now that we were dating. There were so many ways that it felt different whenever we did things we used to when we were friends. It all felt, wrong in a strange, stupid way that I couldn't explain.

For example, the implications of me hanging out in her room. Even that was enough to make me feel weird.

Whatever. Stop thinking stupid things. Just go in, she won't say anything.

So I did.

And I was immediately attacked by the sickening, yet sweet smell of perfume that would normally make me gag my eyeballs out. But I didn't. Because that was what Y/N usually smelled like.

"Oh you're done already?", she asked, after seeing me stand behind her in the mirror. "I just have to put on my earrings so give me a second."

I grunted as I took a seat on her bed, and watched as she swayed her hips slightly while sticking her earrings in her ears. I quickly tried to avert my gaze, but the way the dress fell around her was mesmerizing in the weirdest way possible.

I mean, yeah, I already knew that I was attracted to her. But, once again, it felt weird now that we're dating. Not a bad weird, just a different weird.

"Okay done!" she exclaimed as she stepped back from the mirror. Her eyes were immediately drawn to where I was sitting on the bed as she saw what I was wearing. "You clean up pretty well too," she giggled.

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