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I had been quiet the entire walk on the way to Katsuki's house. I was extremely nervous. But like, who wouldn't be?

We just started dating yesterday, and I was already meeting them.

Also, I have no idea what they're like. I asked Katsuki earlier, and he shrugged and rolled his eyes, responding with, "They're kinda like me, but they're not."

What the fuck does that even mean?????

I glanced up to look at him as he walked beside me with his arm thrown lazily over my shoulder. It was weird, actually, how touchy he was. I'd never seen him this way before, but it was cute, and I liked it.

"Stop being such a baby. They won't say anything to you," he said randomly.

Or it was because I had been quiet all morning and had barely said anything.

"But how do you know that?" I asked as I looked up at him again. "I mean, we literally just started dating yesterday. I wasn't prepared to meet them at all!"

"Well, for starters, we've been friends since pretty much the beginning of the year. And second, it doesn't matter what they think. If they don't like you they'll just have to deal with it because I'm not leaving you."

His words helped a little. But, I really wanted his parents to like me.

"But trust me on this one," he said as he stopped in front of one of the houses. "They're gonna like you."

I followed behind him slowly as he opened the front door and walked into the house, gesturing for me to come inside with him.

I reluctantly stepped in and looked over the surroundings as Katsuki closed the door behind me. The living room was all decked out with a Christmas tree, and decorations hanging off the walls.

It was a big room, but the festive decorations made it feel cozy and warm.

"Oi! Old Hag! I'm home!", Katsuki shouted as he watched me observe my surroundings.

"Katsuki! I am your mother! Don't call me that!", you heard a woman shout from the kitchen. Probably his mom.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied.

While Katsuki and his mom talked, well more like shouted at each other from across the house, I took the opportunity to look at some of the pictures that were displayed throughout the living room.

I stopped at the mantel above the fireplace, looking at the many pictures of baby Katsuki that were displayed.

"You don't even come home over break, and the only thing you have to say to me when you come back is that I'm an old hag? Honestly- Oh hello dear, are you one of Katsuki's friends?"

I whipped my head around quickly to see Katsuki practically foaming at the mouth while beside him stood, another Katsuki? But he was a girl?

I blinked quickly, and cursed myself for my stupidity. That was his mom.

"Um, yeah. You could say that," I answered shyly as I made my way over to her. I don't know why, but it felt awkward to tell her that I was now his girlfriend.I hadn't even said that word to myself yet. How was I supposed to say it to her?

Katsuki rolled his eyes to my response. "Yeah right. More like my girlfriend."

His mom's eyes lit up almost instantly at his words. "Really?", she asked.

When Katsuki didn't really respond, she looked at me and I gave her a slight nod. And almost immediately I was pulled in for a very tight hug. It wasn't unwelcome, but it was definitely unexpected.

mistletoe - bakugou ✓Where stories live. Discover now