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Bakugou's POV

I broke the kiss about a few seconds after, and cheering erupted from some of the people sitting in the living room. They all ran up and pulled us apart, Y/N getting hugged and squealed at while most of the boys in the "squad" just patted my back and congratulated us.

Mina seemed to let out a huge sigh of relief while she hugged Y/N tightly, catching almost everyone's attention when she exclaimed "I'm so glad I didn't accidentally tell you that day in the park."

I watched as Y/N's face immediately twisted into surprise as she pulled back and stared at Mina with wide eyes, "You mean, you were being serious that day?"

I pushed my way past a couple of boys to walk over and ask, "What are you talking about? What'd you accidentally tell?"

Mina shied away slightly, poking her to pointer fingers together as she slouched and quietly responded, "I may, or may not have told her that you liked her 'too'." Before I could even respond, she waved her hands in front of her face and shouted, "But you should be thankful Y/N is super dense! She asked me what I said and I told her I didn't say anything. She believed me too!"

"I am not dense," Y/N pouted slightly.

"Wait hold on," I stopped them. "You pretty much told her and she still didn't believe it?"

"Yup!", Mina practically beamed.

I turned to stare at Y/N with an incredulous look, causing her to shift her eyes to the side and back away slowly.

It really took her this long to realize it? I had to outright say it to her or she wouldn't have believed me. And everyone was telling me that it was really obvious from the way that I acted.

From the way Y/N was putting herself into a corner, physically and probably mentally, I knew she was blaming herself for not knowing earlier or at least figuring it out when everyone was constantly dropping hints.

"Dang, you are dense," I teased.

She gave me an annoyed look, opening her mouth to speak once more but I interrupted her. "That's why I like you so much."

Her demeanor changed completely as she gave a small smile and shuffled closer to where I was standing.

"I like you too."

"Awwwww, look at them all cute together," Denki came and swung his arms over both of our shoulders, pulling us together.

"Shut up! I am not being cute," I answered trying to shove his hand off my shoulder.

"Well, cute and shy Bakugou lasted for about two minutes and now he's back to normal," Y/N giggled.

It seemed like the kiss had sobered me up completely, seeing as it didn't feel like the room was spinning anymore and that I hadn't had the urge to spill out everything that came in my mind.

"Guys!" Mina shouted before I could respond. "Now that everyone's confessions are out of the way can we actually enjoy ourselves because I am exhausted."

"Huh?" Denki and I said at the same time, looking at each other. "What are you talking about? You didn't have to confess to anyone!" I started.


"Oh yeah, well I was the one who made both of your plans to confess. And I held this party for that whole reason. And don't forget that I also gave both Y/N and Jirou the hints, hello?" she argued back.

"Okay," Kirishima said, stepping between us. "Maybe let's not get into an argument right now and instead watch a Christmas Movie."

"Oo! Yes! I have the perfect one!" Mina exclaimed as she hopped on the sofa to turn the TV on.

Everyone pretty much followed in suit, and I was glad that Deku decided to sit all the way on the end of the couch.

But then, Y/N was just standing around because she hadn't gotten to sit on the couch or one of the chairs. So before she sat on the floor in front of the couch, I shoved Denki and Jirou over, causing them to bump into Kirishima and Mina, ultimately pushing Deku off the couch. I held in a laugh as I patted the small space next to me and Y/N fit herself in.

Finally, the movie started and everyone's attention was drawn there.

It was awkward at first, Y/N was only really leaning into me because Denki was also right next to her. I could feel how tense she was against my arm.

How do I make her feel more comfortable with me?

I shifted one of my arms to the back of the couch, reaching around her other shoulder. She adjusted slightly, scooting in a little closer, which made me happy.

She was still slightly tense though.

I looked at her, seeing the tv colors reflecting off her face, watching as she smiled at a funny joke being said. It felt nice. Like we had been doing this forever.

She surprised me though, when she laid her head against my chest.

The arm around the back of the couch slowly drifted toward her shoulder, where it began silently stroking the hair falling around her shoulders.

I almost expected her to say something, but she seemed to lean against me even further.

We were together now. I did it.

"Thank you, Katsuki," she whispered under her breath.

"For what?"

"I don't know," she giggled. "It just feels right to say."

"Well, then thank you too, I guess."

Wait so if we're together now, does this mean she should come with me for Christmas dinner tomorrow? The old hag is smart enough to realize that I didn't just stay back to train. She's gonna want an explanation.

I stared down at Y/N, whose attention was back on the movie in front of her.

Well, it's not like she won't like her or anything. Besides, it's better to show than tell.

"Can I ask you something?", I whispered.


"If I asked you to come meet my parents tomorrow, would you?"

She turned quickly to look at me with wide eyes. I already knew her answer was gonna be no, but I cut her off before she could answer. "They're going to want an explanation as to why I didn't come home over Christmas Break," I said with a raised eyebrow.

She huffed, pouting slightly to signify that she was annoyed.

"Fine. But only because I feel bad," she answered.

"Why do you feel bad?" I teased, as I ran a finger up and down the side of her neck. "It wasn't like you told me to stay."

"Shut up," she hissed, as she moved my arm so that it was back around her.

Except this time, she interlocked her fingers in mine, bringing it close to her chest.

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