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Katsuki's POV

I woke up to the piercing sun, blinding me as I blinked rapidly to get rid of the sleepiness in my eyes. As my eyes adjusted, I turned to look at my surroundings, to see that I wasn't in my dorm room, but in the common room. That wasn't the only thing that was different. I felt a weight on my chest, and looked down to see Y/N with her arms wrapped around my waist, sleeping peacefully.

At first, I was confused as to what had happened and it felt like a dream. Maybe she'd confessed to me and we were dating now. Or maybe I'd confessed to her and she'd accepted it. But, as I thought about it, the memories of last night came back.

After cleaning up the mess from last night, which was mostly because of Y/N and I, Y/N wanted to watch a movie. I already knew that she was going to want to watch one of those cheesy holiday rom-coms, which I have no problem with, but that's beside the point.

While watching the movie, I'd noticed that she was starting to drift off. The problem was that she was starting to lean more towards Icyhot's side more than mine. So, when he got up for a second to use the bathroom, I made sure to shift her head over to my shoulder instead. I didn't really remember anything after that, I guess I fell asleep.

I still have no idea though, how we ended up in this position.

I peered over to the other couch, to see that half n' half was sleeping. A sense of pride bubbled up since Y/N had cuddled up to me instead of him, even if I had lended a hand in the process.

I looked down at her peaceful, sleeping face. Her cheeks were pressed up against my chest, and adjusted ever so slightly as she breathed slowly. With her eyes closed, you could see how long her eyelashes were, as they curled down and almost touched her skin. Her H/C hair was strewn about, framing her face as they laid messily around her. A couple loose strands laid over her face, and blew up everytime she exhaled.

I carefully moved my arm to move the strands out of her face, stroking her cheek with my thumb as I did so. And before I knew it, my fingers became tangled in her soft hair as I kept running my fingers through it. I knew that this was a dangerous game that I was playing, since she or icy hot could wake up at any minute, but I didn't care.

I felt as if we were the only two people in the world at that point, and I loved every second of it.

Damn. Love. Had I really just used that? I looked down at her, wondering if it really was more than just a crush. I hadn't thought of it before.

I suddenly heard shifting from the couch that was a little ways over, and immediately dropped my hand back to its original position and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to let that damn Icy hot see me like this. At least, not let him see that I accepted cheesy stuff like this.

I heard him shuffle past us, pausing for a moment. I thought that he was jealous, until the blanket was pulled up so that it covered Y/N fully. Damn bastard was still trying to take care of her, even when she was so clearly with me.

There were no sounds for a few moments, until finally I heard him shuffle back towards the hallway, probably back to his dorm room. I had pulled my hand out from under the blanket, and was about to keep running it through Y/N's hair when she began shifting and adjusting. I quickly dropped it again and pretended to be asleep as she began blinking rapidly and opening her eyes.

I heard as she mumbled something under her breath and felt as she began to lift herself off of me. After she'd stood up on the couch beside me, I heard her yawn and stretch before looking back at me.

"Katsuki," she whispered.

At least she bought that I was asleep.

"Suki," she groaned as she began tugging my arm.

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