Chapter 4: To Hell and Back

Start from the beginning

Cree turns back into the room and sits down on the side of the bed again while he finishes grabbing his things. Regan walks in as well and looks around.

"Are you... alright?" he asks curiously.

"What do you think?" Cree spats and starts rubbing his temples in circles.

Regan bites his lip and examines him. "I noticed you talking to that woman last night..." he starts. "She seemed awfully friendly."

Cree huffs spitefully and shakes his head. "Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving..." he mutters.

Regan narrows his eyes at him and tries to decipher his meaning, when it hits him. His eyes widen and he feels his stomach tie in knots, his heart slightly hurts. "Wait... Did you... and her... I..." His body tenses. "I saw her help you to your room last night... But I never saw her leave..." He bites his lip.

Cree frowns and lowers his head as he grabs his bag. "Yeah. Me neither."

Regan crosses his arms. "I—Are you serious?! You just met her!"

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business, okay?" Cree snaps and slings his bag over his shoulder. He stands up quickly, but the fast motion causes his headache to stir and make him dizzy, so he immediately lowers back down to the bed and holds his head in his hands.

"Fucking hell..." he hisses.

Regan's expression softens and he sighs. He may not be happy about this, but he's willing to set his fuming jealousy aside for now. He gently pats his shoulder. "Just... wait here while I get you some water. That's sure to make you feel better. Please, try and relax until I return," he says softly.

Cree scoffs. "We don't have any money, dumbass..."

"I do!" Regan smiles proudly.

Cree glares up at him through squinted eyes to see him holding up a full coin purse. "What? How?" he questions.

"Last night I earned quite a few tips from gracing this place with my masterful skills with a lute!"

"You got paid to annoy people?"

Regan scoffs and shakes his head. "No, I got paid to bring merriment to these fine patrons. Now, stay here and relax and I will return shortly." He smiles warmly and rushes out the door to approach the barkeep.

Cree grumbles and lays back with his eyes closed. How could he have been so stupid? What happened last night was very unlike him and he knows it. Sleeping with a stranger? Taking Regan's advice? Allowing himself to get intoxicated in the presence of someone he didn't know, even if she was kind, beautiful, and charming? It doesn't matter now; he took that gamble and he lost. He's just gotta suck it up and deal with it.

If he were here with John, this wouldn't have happened. He always knew how to keep him grounded and focused, and prevent him from making stupid mistakes like he did last night. Instead, he's stuck with Regan. At least until the idiot gets himself killed.

Then he realizes why he can't let that happen. As annoying as Regan is, Edith has for some reason taken a strong liking to him. If Regan were to die on his watch, she may never forgive him. As strange as it feels to say, Edith has become like a sister to him. The last thing he wants to do is hurt her.

So as much as it pains him, he has no choice but to keep Regan alive.

Regan rushes back in holding a tankard of water. He smiles and hands it to Cree as he sits back up. "Here you are. Cold water with no ice, as you like," he says softly.

Cree takes it and eyes him quizzically. "How the hell do you know I don't like ice in my water?" He takes a sip and revels in the soothing cold that eases his headache a little.

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