I was packing an overnight bag when Ali knocked on my open door.

“Can I come in?” Ali said.

“Sure,” I said as I was folding my clothes.

“So, Brett…” Ali said.

“Yeah?” I said, curious.

“I saw him holding hands with another girl,” Ali said quickly. “When I was getting some groceries, I saw him on the way there. He was on a patio at a restaurant and he was holding hands with someone else. I’m so sorry.”

I sat on the edge of my bed, and tried to hold back my tears welling up in my eyes. My world was caving in, waves of sadness crushing me.

How could he betray me like that? He was the first to say those three little haunting words, I love you. Was he lying? No, he couldn’t’ve lied to my face…I knew for sure he loved me.

“Are you sure it was him?” I said, my voice shaky and threatening to crack. I wouldn’t let it; I had to be strong.

“One hundred percent,” Ali whispered.

I propped my elbows on my knees and put my face in my hands. I started crying.

Ali tried to comfort me as much as she could. She knew I loved him. She brought me a box of tissues and eventually unpacked everything I’d packed for later that night while I was bawling.

Eventually I wandered from my room to the living and tried to watch TV, but it seemed like everything that was on was about love, even the horror movies. Kathy eventually made me a sandwich since my body felt like jelly and it was around dinner time. I was still in shock when Kathy came to talk to me.

“Remember last week, when we went sketching?” she asked.

I nodded.

“I was going to tell you that I thought that he wasn’t the kind of guy to stay with one girl for as long as you two have been together. He seems like a real player, and I can tell now that he is. I knew this day would come. And I knew you would just be a ‘summer fling’ to him. I’m sorry he did this…I should’ve told you, then maybe you would’ve been prepared for this.”

“Kathy, it’s okay,” I said softly, my voice hoarse from all the crying. “No one can be prepared for this. These things just happen.”

“I…I’m still sorry I didn’t tell you,” Kathy replied, struggling to find the words.

I nodded again, understanding. It only made me cry more.

At seven, Brett was at the door to pick me up. I was lying on the couch so he couldn’t see me from the door since the couch’s back was to the door, and I was grateful for that. Kathy answered the door.

“What do you want?” Kathy said.

“To pick up Beth,” Brett said. “I thought she told you…?” He sounded a little confused.

“Oh, she did, but she doesn’t want to see you anymore.” Kathy stated as if it were obvious.

“Why?” Brett was still confused. 

I saw Ali get up from the kitchen table and walk to the door.

“Because you cheated on her,” Ali said, “and she doesn’t want to see you again.” I heard the door close, or more like slam loudly.

“Is he gone?” I whispered, not daring to sit up yet. My voice cracked, and another tear streamed down my face.

“The door’s closed, if that’s what you mean,” Kathy replied. “But he’s still standing at the door. Hold on.” I heard the door open and close again and Ali sighed.

To Be Mine (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now