"Why would your mother do something like that? Did she have a personal motive with someone? This isn't only affecting one person in particular but its sporadic, clinging to people at random." I barely realise how I'm rambling until I catch myself about to vomit out some more words, what Malleus said before about me rambling now latching onto me.

Althea ponders over my words, processing what I said, and then speaks up after a few moments of silence. "I can't really tell you the motive behind my mother's actions although I would if I could."

"Why can't you tell us?" Malleus asks with a raise of his brow and I can already tell he thinks this is just some witch's ploy to protect her mother.

Althea doesn't seem particularly phased as she lets out a giggle, tilting her head to the side as her black hair frames her face. "Isn't it obvious? Silly me, I thought it was common knowledge. I forget only witches know of these things. My mother killed herself." The grin tugging at her lips offset her words completely and only now do I feel like I'm the presence of someone who could be partially unhinged.

"A witch has to be strong to cast such a spell. Black magic deteriorates the user's health immensely and the more powerful the magic, the worse the side effects are. Considering the depth of the magic used and how it's still in effect, I'd say this is what took the life out of here." She muses with puckered brows, almost as if she's considering the possibility.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I say somewhat awkwardly, never knowing how to console another person, especially when it consists of a personal loss.

Althea doesn't seem to take my words to heart as she casually waves her hand through the air. "No worries. I wasn't really a fan of hers. She kicked me out of the coven so she was dead to me ages ago."

Malleus and I blink up at the woman, unsure what else to say at her words. What do you even say to someone who gets kicked out of something like a coven? I'm sure it's equivalent to a wolf getting thrown out of a pack and essentially becoming a rouge, not that rouge's are bad of course. We don't automatically disbar stray wolves and brand them with a title that some connote to negativity.

"May I ask why she kicked you out?" My mate asks slowly from behind while I squeeze his hand, not in a show of support but just enjoying the way the sparks erupt into a frenzy at the added pressure.

I could almost sigh in content.

Althea nods her head actively, showing us she doesn't mind any sort of prying. I could almost call her an open book, but it's going to take a bit more of poking and prodding before we can trust her entirely, even though I've already warmed to the somewhat quirky woman.

"My mother was the head of the coven and considering I was her daughter, it was supposed to go to me once I got a proper hold of my powers, but that woman was as psychotic if there ever was one. She didn't want me to take over her position. She didn't want anyone to, so she made an example out of me. Put a false blame onto me and then exiled me with threats of stripping me of my powers if I ever came back. She had her way for a good few years but then she performed that spell, trying to show off most likely in order to not let the other coven members try to get rid of her." Althea pauses with a wistful look on her face and I would have ended up apologising, but considering the relationship she has with her mother, I don't think she'd take too kindly to me looking at her mother in good light.

"Little good it did her because she ended up killing herself instead. Karma." Althea ends with a slight grin on her face while I scoot back just a tad, getting closer to Malleus and the safety of Cleo Catra.

"We need a plan," Malleus says after a moment of silence, unsure what to say to her previous words and so diverting her attention to something else, "That magic needs to be dealt with immediately. First Fie's previous Luna was affected, then Fie herself and now a few other wolves who still haven't recovered fully and are in the regaining their energy as we speak. Even the wildlife in the forest is deteriorating at a fast pace." The concern on Althea's face is inherently apparent and after a second or two of consideration, she nods her head.

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