Chapter 1: Transmitting

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At first, it is nothing.

Nothing but dead silence.

The wind has no rush and the waves crashing against the wooden docks are muted.

Then, as if flicking a switch, the ground shakes.

The flash over the sea pushing the storm in a whirlwind of colors. Red, yellow, orange. It all engulfs in a white blur. The cloud of smoke rising over the horizon, consuming the island that centers the mass of Unity City.


From the balcony of Mortal where Peace and Data stand, they can see past the slowly rebuilding walls as the sky flashes white in the far distance to the south.

The people in the streets stop and stare, stepping out of their homes to watch the disquieting sight, whispering hushed words amongst themselves.


The road between Idyll and Paradise slightly quakes. Thor whimpers painfully and begins pawing at his chest and staring up at Regan. He looks from the dog to the sky in the distance with fright in his eyes and a sense of apprehension in his heart.

"Oh no..."

With one glance at Thor to make sure he's alright, he begins sprinting towards the rising cloud down the road to Paradise with the dog at his heels.


From atop the walls of Idyll, Alexas, Catia, and York stare in awe and pride.

They can feel as something inside them breaks. The last remaining tethers of code that lie within them snap and leave them feeling more alive than ever in their lives.

The onlookers of Mortality watch with smiles and tears of joy.

Alexas turns to the others. "We're free."


Cree bolts out the doors of the hotel breathlessly, never letting his eyes leave the mushroom cloud that rises behind the silhouette of Unity City.

He sprints at full force to the docks, nearly skidding off the wooden boards as he reaches the end and catches himself on a metal rail.

Along the docks on each side of him, the citizens of Paradise stand and watch with wide, unblinking eyes and mouths agape. The SRL carrying boxes and bags down the road stop and drop their bundles to the sand. They stare down at their hands and look amongst themselves as a new revelation rushes over them.

But Cree never looks away from the cloud.

He snaps his hand up to his earpiece and presses on it shakily, tightly gripping the rail.

"...Edith! Edith, please tell me you and CLive got out of there in time!" he rasps breathlessly and clears his throat. He pauses and waits, but receives no answer.

Only static comes through.

He growls and begins breathing heavily. "EDITH! Answer me, dammit! Where the hell are you!?" he bellows.

No response.

Some people turn their gazes to him but he pays them no mind. He focuses only on the static crackling in his ear. His heart is beating out of his chest and his hand is shaking. His metal hand is balled in a fist around the rail, denting the rusted metal in his grip.

They must be alive. They wouldn't have delayed if they knew the risks.

This can't be reality.

He shakes his head frantically and pushes away from the rail to stand in the center of the dock. He presses the earpiece again.

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