Marc's brow furrowed, "it's not very comfortable. Are you sure you wouldn't like to sleep in a bed?"

"I'm sure that it's more comfortable than my bed at home," I said with a tight smile. "I'll be fine."

Corey left the room and came back with a pillow and a thick blanket. They all went in different directions with murmured good nights, except for Axel. He waited until I was settled before he retreated to his bedroom.


A Report

They were all gathered in the living room of Owen's home. North and Luke were the last to arrive. Owen paced back and forth trying to collect his thoughts. Sean was seated, with his head tipped back against the cushion and his eyes closed. Gabriel, Victor, and Nathan were quietly talking amongst themselves. Kota's eyes were focused on Owen and Luke was focused on Kota. North stood quietly with Silas, his silent rage was almost palpable. The fact that North was quietly raging had Silas concerned. That was very unlike his friend.

"Tomorrow we will go back and see Sang," Owen said. "I want to make sure that she's okay."

Sean rolled his eyes, "she's fine, Owen. She should be completely healed by tomorrow."

Before Owen could respond, Kota interjected. "We need to question her."

As North moved to stand behind Luke, resting his hand on his brother's shoulder, Silas moved with him. His concern grew as he looked a Luke. Luke's hands were clenched, and he was leaning forward as if poised to attack. Silas's eyes flicked between Luke and Kota. While they've been angry with each other before, this was a different kind of angry. He was worried for his brothers. Nothing good would come from Luke and Kota fighting, especially if Kota felt the need to show why he is the pack Beta. And if Kota tried to pull that, North would undoubtedly get involved.

Owen narrowed his eyes on Kota. He wasn't oblivious to the tension in the air, but his main focus was figuring out how they could help Sang. And how he'd convince Sang to stay with him.

"We'll worry about her health first, Mr. Lee." He said slowly.

Kota shook his head, "No. We need to find out where she was taken and why they let her leave. There's no way they would have let her walk out of there unless-"

North's hand left his brother's shoulder and Luke pounced. He was on Kota before the Beta could finish his thought. Luke tackled him to the ground. He leaned his face close to Kota's snarling.

"Say it, I dare you."

Kota shoved Luke off him, and Luke let him. Sean was standing next to Owen, his eyes on Luke. Owen's eyes flicked between the boys as he decided to let it play out. Nathan seemed ready to jump in on Kota's behalf, while Victor and Gabriel looked like they were prepared to hold him back.

"What's your problem, Luke?" Kota growled.

"What's my problem?" Luke's voice was quiet. "Do you really want to ask me that question with him standing right there?"

Luke didn't have to know all the details to know exactly how their Alpha was going to react. Kota's eyes flicked to Owen before narrowing on Luke. His warning was clear, but Luke would not heed it. He felt everyone should be aware of how he made the girl, that the Alpha believes is his mate, feel.

"Right now, my problem is you," Luke growled.

Kota didn't back down. "You need to get out of my face."

A snort left Luke, "should we talk about how Sang thought that we weren't allowed to talk because of you. Or maybe we should talk about why she's scared of you. What did you do that made her want to run in the other direction when she saw us?"

This was news to Owen, he needed to get to the bottom of it before all the boys started fighting and before his irrational wolf went after Kota. "Mr. Lee, what is he talking about?"

Fists clenched at his sides; Kota didn't respond. He was staring Luke down. While Kota felt ashamed for what he did to Sang, he knew that it had to be done. She was dangerous and he couldn't allow another one of her people to harm his family.

"I have no idea."

Luke punched Kota in the jaw. "You don't know. 'Kota wouldn't like us talking.' Her words, not mine. She said that while we were in school, just before you tried to get me to sit in a seat away from her. So, what did you do Kota?"

Victor's eyes widened. "Is this because of who her dad is?"

Kota growled at him. Everyone looked to Victor, waiting for him to explain. Owen's wolf was almost ready to take the whole lot of them out. They should have no secrets being kept from their Alpha especially when those secrets involved Sang.

Victor turned to Owen keeping his eyes low. "I did a background check on Sang, and while I couldn't find her anywhere in the system, I did find her father. Marshall Sorenson. We've seen him a few times, but we never had his name. He's a Hunter."

A growl tore from Owen's throat. "Why was I not told?"

Both boys were silent. Victor didn't want to say anything and get Kota in trouble. Kota already knew that anything he said would only make things worse.

"Tell me, Victor." Owen had no problem using his position as the Alpha to get them to tell him the truth. He kept his eyes locked on Kota.

A quiet whimper left him before he spoke. "I wanted to. I knew that he was potentially dangerous, but Kota said not to tell you. He said that something had to be done about Sang. I didn't think that he was going to scare or hurt her though."

Victor sent Kota an apologetic look. Kota would reassure his friend later that everything was okay. He should have kept his suspicions to himself instead of implicating Victor. That's why he went to Sang's alone instead of with Nathan. Well, that and if Nathan had seen Kota shove her like that, he would have attacked.

Owen's eyes flashed gold. "And did you, Kota? Did you hurt her?"

Everyone in the room stiffened. They all sensed the predator in the room. Owen's wolf didn't make an appearance to the pack very often, but when he did, they all knew not to move. Sean moved closer to Owen, ready to grab him.

"I was trying to protect our pack!" Kota exploded. "You would have removed her from her home and brought her here. Leading the Hunters straight to our door. You see her as a mate, and not the threat that she really is."

Sean shook his head, "no, Kota. You have it wrong. Owen's priority has always been protecting the pack. But Sang? That girl is completely innocent. She had no idea that our world existed."

"Tomorrow we'll talk to Sang and see if she'll tell us. After she does, you will apologize, or I will banish you from the pack. Never use your fear or your position in this pack to threaten an innocent again. And if you ever try to undermine me again, I'll demonstrate to you exactly why I am Alpha." Owen was right in Kota's face as he spoke, his words almost garbled by the fangs in his mouth. "I have to go call Mr. Toma."

Owen strode through the room. Sean followed after him. All the boys turned to look at Kota. His cheeks were a bit pink from the shame that he felt. They were all so focused on Kota that they weren't paying attention, but that changed in seconds. North had grabbed Kota by the throat lifted him and slammed him into the floor making the Beta groan in pain.

"You hurt her?" North asked. "What did you do Kota?"

"I shoved her, but that's all. I told her to stay away from us. She could have gotten us all killed."

"You're wrong, Kota. Don't give me a reason to show you that I am perfectly capable of being the Beta." North growled before storming out of the house. He had a call to make and a girl to protect.

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