Chp. 2 - Life... education

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//I made this Picture.  Its uhh... unnecessary for this story, but I drew it and thought: Why not?//

Blue looked shocked at Error.
How did he NOT know this?
But then again, he was probably mental ill and lived in an endless white space where he appearantly heard voices. The blue skeleton cleared his non-existent throat and began.
,,W-well this is green."
He stuttered and pointed on a dark green pencil.
And so went the 'lesson' on.

Error was amazed.
,,Y0u're s0 sM@rt!"
He said happily. ,,I l0v3 co\oUrs! Th3y aRe s0 bEauTIful! BeFOre I cOulD Go ouT I MaDe my b0dy mAKe rEd! It WAs bEauTIfUl! No mOre WHite!" Blue looked at Error in shock.
How long was he stuck here? It definitely drove him insane.
,,H-hey Error?" He slowly asked.
,,YEs BlUe?" Said Error happily, as if nothing was wrong.
Well nothing was wrong for him.
,,H-how old are you?"
This question burned in his mind since he noticed the way the glitchy skeleton acted.
Was it really just simple mental illness? Error looked at him in confusion.
,,OlD? WhAt dO yoU MEaN bY ThaT?" Blue gulped and said:
,,How long do you know that you are alive?"
Error thought for a while.
Then he said slowly, but energetic: ,,eiGhT oR nInE YEArS, i ThInK. WElL afTer My meMoRy. ANd i LiVed HEre ThAaAT lOnG! WeLl fOr yOu. tImE Is mEaNIngLeSs hErE."
Blue could cry. The apparently , emotionless' and ,soulless' ,destroyer of worlds', (who popped up seven years ago, by the way) was nothing else then a child. He wasn't mental ill - or atleast not like Blue thaught. He was a child, he didn't only act like one. The blue Sans gulped. Should he really just... leave Error? The smaller one seemed to be happy to have... someone in this endless white space.

Meanwhile Error seemed to listen to something.
Then he quickly nodded.
,,OkAy! If yoU wAnT mE To!"
He then opened a One-Way-Portal, that showed hundreds of images, always changing.
,,Blue, bLuE, lOok! ThIs iS tHe mUlTiVErsE! ThE vOiCEs wANT mE tO sHOw tHIS tO yOu!"
Blue looked, to see what Error meant. His eyes widened.
There were so... many.
Versions of him, versions of his brother and Alphys or Queen Toriel.
,,So... many..." He whispered and Error, who heard it, nodded quickly.
,,yES! ThEy aLl hAvE dIFfErEnT nAmEs!
YoURs tO exAMplE iS nAmeD ,Underswap'!
YoU have tHe rOlE a PapYrUs uSuAlLy hAs aNd yOuR brOtHer iS iN tHe rOlE oF a SaNs!
AcTuAlLy yOu bOtH aRe mOrE poWeRfUl tHeN a nOrmAl SaNs oR PapYrUs!
YoU haVe tHe StAmInA oF a PapYrUs anD tHe mAgiC lEvEl oF a SaNs!
YoUr bRoThEr cAn bLoCk aTtAckS in The FigHt aGAiNsT tHE hUmAn AND taKe mOrE tHen oNe hIt!"

Blue listened carefully to Error.
So practically he was a Sans but at the same time... not? That was complicated. He looked back at the portal.
So many... he was nothing more then little star in the night sky of thousand. Then again, every star counted to make the sky beautiful.
But then why... did Error destroy them? Papyrus said he is the destroyer of worlds.
And this so called ,Multiverse' was filled with worlds.
So Error most likely destroyed this worlds.
But the same question again: Why? Error proved that he thought and acted like child.
When he spoke about the worlds, was there a light in the eyes, as if he found it amazing and exiting.
,,Error... why do you destroy this worlds?" Blue asked suddenly.
Error stopped in his talk about how cool the concept of Underswap was.
His eye were fixed on Blue, making the skeleton uncomfortable.

Then he began to talk. ,,tHerE iS tHis... cLoAk gUy.
He wAs tHe fIrSt pErSoN I'vE eVeR mEt!
He asKeD mE... iF i wAnT tO pLaY a GamE!"
Blue already didn't like where this was going. ,,
I... I asKeD hIm wHaT a GamE iS.
HE jUst lAuGhEd aNd tOlD mE tHAt iT iS a aCtIViTy yOu dO fOr fUn!
I aGrEEd!
I cOuLd gEt oUt, I THoUgHt.
I cOuLd hAve fUn!
He sHoWeD Me HOW tO mAke PorTalS aNd uSe MaGic!
Then hE gOt mE tOo mAkE eVerYoNe dIsAPpeAr iN an AU fUlL oFf GHosTS! ThEy alWayS lEaVe dUst oR hUmAns lEavE bLoOd.
I... coLlEcT thEiR sOuLs, hE sAiD iTs tO wIn. I aLsO NeEd tO DesTrOy tHe CoDeS oF ThE AU.
So tHeY aRe hApPy And don't HavE tO SuFFer!
I MakE puPpEtS oF eVeRY SaNs I Met, As mEmorY.
I oNly shOuLd dEsTroY CoPieS, neVeR thE OrIGinAl.
I aM pLaYinG tHe mAiN ViLLaIn.
I... I dOn'T wAnT tO pLaY tHiS gAmE. I fOuNd oUt tHAt It hUrTs mAny pEoPlE!
ANd wE'Re pLaYinG iT fOr sO lOnG... I kNoW pEople rEallY don't lIke mE fOr iT... bUt iF I dOn'T... t-Then tHe ClOaK gUy c-ComEs aNd h-hŪřţş m3 v3ŕÝ mŪčh...
Ī đ0ń'Ț wÂņȚ ťHıŚ ãŇýM0r3! ThIś ,ğÅm3 iŚň'Ť AňÝ fUŇ f0ř AŇÝB0ďÝ!
Ì ň33Đ ţ0 d3śţŕ0y bÙt ň0Ţ ŁïĶ3 ţHıŚ!"

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