Chp. 1 - I'm Blue daba dee daba die

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A small, black skeleton sat on a cliff in a place called ,Outertale' and watched the stars.
The black skeleton had blue tear marks running down his cheeks and a wide grin with yellow teeth.
His mismatched eyes sparkled, as he looked up in the sky.
His left eye was small and had a white eyelight.
The inner of his eyesockets were a dark crimson red.
The right eyesocket was bigger and hat a dark blue dot with an yellow circle around as eyelight.
His inner eyesockets were the same red like on the left side.
The skeleton had a black trenchcoat with light blue ends on the arms.
He also weared a red sweatshirt, a dark blue scarf, black pants and sandals, wich coincidently reminded on the ones from Underfell!Sans.
The skeleton seemed to glitch and Error signs were around him.
That was also his name. Error.
If it wouldn't be dark, somebody could see his scars, old and new ones.

Error heard the portal from his nemesis, Ink open.
He quickly stood up and turned around.
Ink stood there, with his huge paintbrush, what was his name...? Broomie? Yeah, Broomie, in his hands. He looked at Error.
,,Error! I can't let you destroy Outertale!" He yelled.
Error was confused.
Why did Ink think that he would destroy his favourite AU?
Error saw Dream, the guardian of positivity besides Ink with his bow and arrows ready.
The glitching skeleton shuddered. When Dream was there, Error had the feeling Ink was worse.
Or maybe it was just because the arrows?

Ink attacked Error, who quickly dodged and ran to a nearby tree, dodging the arrows.
Then he opened a portal under his feet and fell through. Phew.
Escaped in the last second, huh?

He landed in Underswap, which he really didn't care for in the moment and continued running.
His breath was heavy and the glitch still was scared that Ink would find him.
Without really knowing it he bumped into an bigger skeleton, which wasn't really hard, because he was a head smaller then Classic.
He stumbled back and tripped, wich caused him to fall.

He looked up and saw a shocked blue skeleton, a Sans with stars in his eyes, and a shocked and angry looking Papyrus in an orange hoodie.
The eyes of the Papyrus flared orange, the Sans oblivious of it.
The Sans said and held a hand to Error out.
Error flinched by the volume of his voice, but was grateful and surprised that this Sans wanted to help him.
He just wanted to grab the skeletal hand, when a bone flew between the two. Error yelped.
,,sans, stay back. he is dangerous."
The Papyrus said.
Confused jumped Error to his feet.
The Papyrus didn't listen and continued the attack.
,,sans, you don't understand! he is the destroyer of worlds! killer of billions!"
,,it could be a trick! he is an soulless and emotionless killer!"

While the Sans tried to stop the Papyrus had Error a panic attack.
He was hyperventilating.
,,p-PlEAsE... sToP..." He whispered.

(Wow I can't belive that this is his first line in a book about him-)

The yelling made it worse.
He had a flashback, he was back in the Anti-Void with the voices who were all talking at once at him or when HE came and hurt Error.
Tears prickled from Error's eyes.
His body shook, the bones rattling from it.
He felt warm and cold at the same time, his SOUL started to pound faster.
,,stop...StOp... StOP... $70P! $70P$70P$70P$70P$70P$70P!"
In his panic he activated his strings and captured the soul of the Sans.

When the Papyrus saw this, he immediately turned to the still panicking Error, the worry for his brother making him blind, and attacked Error with a Gaster Blaster.
Error screamed when it hit, made a portal to the Anti-Void and fled through it.
The angry Papyrus yelled at him, but he didn't care.

Error broke down on the Floor and cried, still in his panic.
The glitching of him became worse, and when the voices came, he crashed with a loud beep.

A certain blue skeleton, who Error accidentally took with in the Anti-Void, began to panic.
The other just panicked and the fell down like dead.
He then was confused when there was something heard about rebooting.
After a while Error came back and looked at the Sans.
Then he screamed in a high pitch tone, the Sans wished he'd never heard.

,,i'M sOrRy! I dIDn'T mEaN tO tAKe yOu wItH mE! PlEAse! Đ0Ń'Ț HŮŘŤ M3!" Error begged.
The Sans tried to console Error.
,,H-hey! Calm down! I'm not gonna hurt you!" He said quietly.
Error looked with teary eyes at the Sans. ,,y-YoU'rE nOt?" He asked.
The Sans shook his head.
,,I promise. Uh... what was that a few minutes ago?
You beeped and then laid there like dead."
Changed the Sans quickly the subject.

,,oH tHAt? THaT wAs a cRAsh. It hAPPeNs wHEn i gEt tOUchEd oR soMEtHInG tRIgGerS my fEElinGs tO sTrOnG. I AM ScaReD oF tOuCh." Error said, happy about the change.
,,m-mY nAmE iS ErRoR, bY tHE wAy." The Sans smiled and said:
While he said that, his bow flattered in the non-existent wind.

Error flinched.
,,PLEasE dOn'T yElL..." He said.
The Sans looked at Error.
,,Oh, I am sorry."
,,iT's oKAy. YoU DiDn't kNoW... dO yOu hAvE bY aNy cHAncE a OtHeR nAmE theN SaNs? ThErE aRe mAnY SaNSeS, yOu kNOW?"
The Sans looked suprised and confused at Error and thought for a moment.
,,I think Blue can do." Error nodded.

They sat there for a while until Blue asked:
,,Hey... Error? Can I go home? Papyrus is surely worried sick about me."
Fear and panic came visible in Error's eyes.
,,bUt- bUt wHaT iF hE hURtS mE agAiN? OR cAlLs InK! He wiLL hUrT mE! AnD... aNd... I... dOn't wAnT tO bE aLONe anYmORe!"
Said Error and broke down crying.
Blue was confused.
,,Error, you're acting like a child. Please... just let me go home. I'm sure that you have SOMEONE here...right?" Error shook his head.
,,n-No. OnLy Me... aNd tHe vOicEs... aRe liVinG hErE. BUt sOmetImEs thErE cOmeS tHe cLoAk gUy! BuT... hE hUrTs mE..."

Someone is hurting him? This... Cloak guy?
Thought Blue, but decided to ignore it at first.
,,Look, Error, I know you don't want to be alone anymore, I really do! But... why don't you come to my home instead?" Error shook his head.
,,nO! TheY'Re aLl hUrTinG me! YOu'rE tHe fIrsT perSoN whO iSn'T rUnNinG frOm Me oR trIEs tO hUrT mE!" Blue sighed.
Why was this skeleton so stubborn? And how he acted... it was kinda like a child, right? Was he... mental ill?
Error sniffed.
,,You're really acting like a child... I think I can stay for a few hours... if it makes you happy."

Error beamed.
,,tHAnK yOu! BuT... wHAts a ChIld?" Blue looked suprised at Error.
,,Uhhhh... A child is... a very young person! A person who has a guardian and goes to school and something like that before it is an adult!" ,,oH."
Said Error and opened a portal.
He then brought out a pack of colourful crayons.
,,h-Hey, uHhH... BlUe? I KNoW tHiS sOunDs wEiRd, bUt... cAn yOu teLl me wiCh colOur eVEryONE oF thEm haS?"

Thats it! The first chapter of ,Growing up' is out! Lets see where all this will lead us~ Only one knows, and you're not that one.

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