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Jin smiled gently as he felt a warm feeling in his heart, he was starting to feel loved...

"I want to try going to therapy."

An enthusiastic Seokjin spoke as he and​ the boys were having breakfast.
Everyone looked at him with wide eyes and open mouths, they couldn't believe their ears.

Yoongi quickly composed himself and asked ," Are you sure? I mean...the last time-"

Jin cut off Yoongi's sentence and said

"I am sure. I want to get better quickly."

"We are really happy with your decision. We all will support you." Taehyung said cheerfully

  He was extremely happy with Seokjin's decision as he wanted Jin to be happy and healthy again.

Jungkook's doe eyes had an delighted twinkle in them as he agreed with Tae.

Jin's heart melted because the boys looked so happy. Jin was glad that he was the cause of their happiness because that's all he has ever wanted.

*Time Skip*

Seokjin wanted to call his parents to inform them about him going to therapy so, he grabbed his phone and called his mother.


Hearing his mom's voice was very calming for Jin as he missed her very much, he smiled gently and spoke

"Eomma, I missed you"

"I missed you too Seokjin-ah " His mother replied

"I called you to inform you that I decided to go to therapy again. "
Jin spoke with confidence.

"Really? I'm so proud of you! "

Jin could literally feel his mother's happiness through the phone and he smiled to himself.

"Thankyou. I really want to get better. "

"That is good. Call me whenever you want to talk, okay? " Jin's mom said

"Yes eomma."

Jin said, he was really ecstatic with his decision as he saw how happy everyone were.

"Good. I will call you later as I'm pretty busy now. "

"Of course. Say hello to abeoji for me, bye." Seokjin ended the call with a contended smile.


It was evening and Seokjin was preparing dinner when Jimin  came into the kitchen ,

"Thankyou hyung. " Jimin spoke in a small voice

Jin was taken aback by this sentence so, he gave Jimin a questioning look.

"Thankyou for being such a good hyung to us. Don't listen to anything the haters say, those are all lies. We are really proud of you for mustering up courage and making this decision. "

Jimin said as he looked at Jin with a fond smile.

To say that Seokjin was touched would be an understatement , he was so happy that tears started welling up in his eyes,

"Jimin-ah,  I should be the one thanking you all-"

Jin couldn't finish his sentence as he was cut off by a bone-crushing hug from Jimin

"No hyung, we didn't do anything. I...am so sorry for noticing anything before, we thought you were fine." The shorter male tightened the hug as he sobbed onto Jin's chest.

Seokjin gently patted Jimin's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down and it was working, his sobs were slowly reducing to small sniffles.

"It is not your fault, I should've taken care of myself. Don't blame this on yourself Jimin-ah. " Jin said as he ran his long fingers through the younger's soft hair.

Jimin smiled gently and said, " I will help you prepare dinner. "

Seokjin nodded his head happily as they both got to work.


Seokjin was laying on his bed as he thought about his day, he smiled to himself because he was able to make the people he love happy, it took a lot of courage for him to make the decision but in the end it was all worth it.

He heaved a long sigh and turned to look at Yoongi who was sleeping peacefully,

At dinner Yoongi chose to sit near Seokjin and they both talked and laughed a lot along with the rest of the boys,  it was the first time in a while that Jin was able to talk and enjoy himself so much.

Even though Jin's eating disorder made it very difficult for him to even think about food, he still managed to eat a bit at dinner and the boys were overjoyed to see the progress in their hyung, they encouraged him and that words of encouragement replaced all his negative thoughts , it helped him to consume a bit more than usual.

Jin did feel extremely bad after eating but the members noticed that and quickly distracted Jin so that he wouldn't feel so bad about himself.

Seokjin was still anxious about going to therapy but he saw how much the people around him cared about him and that gave him courage, he was now starting to understand how important self love is and wanted to get better .

All these thoughts lulled Seokjin into a deep dreamless slumber.



I wanted to make this chapter longer but I couldn't :(

I will try harder next time

Lacuna will end after 2-3 chapters so that is why I am taking so long to update because I want to end my first story well . Thankyou so much for understanding  ❤

Feel free to correct my mistakes in the comments.

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Thankyou so much for reading this chapter

Love you all !

Stay safe!



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