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The launch was a success. It was then an after-party to celebrate the event and also to thank everyone for coming and for their support. Everyone was cheerful, vibing, and energetic.

Nad was enjoying her time with her friends and husband. She had not met Anga but she had seen him around busy, it was chilled and it wasn't packed as much as it was before the party. They didn't pay much attention to each other just little meaningless glances.

Kamilla seemed to enjoy herself that night even though she distanced herself from Zama and her friends, she was just enjoying her time while it lasted. She was a little tipsy so she decided to go and join Zama and her friends, Elam was busy hosting but he did go to the table from time to time but it was time for him to settle and enjoy some time with his woman and friends even though Anga was not in the mood of joining others all he wanted was to have a drink and go straight home.

Elam: Hey man, let's go join others.

Anga: Nah I'm alright man, I'm good here, in fact, I think I'm gonna go and rest it's been a hell of a night.

Elam: Yeah but it was a  successful night brother I still cannot believe that we did it man. Are you sure you good?

Anga: Yeah I'm good man, after this successful event I just don't want any negativity. I just want to end this great I'm gonna grab some bottles though I probably gonna drink myself to sleep, I will be celebrating still.

(He laughed a little)

Elam: Great man. Drive safe.

Anga: Tell K I'm gonna be out in a minute enjoy y'all.

Elam was approaching the table, everything was great holding a Moet champagne until he saw her. He looked again to make sure he wasn't seeing things, it was her in a flesh right next to Zama, they were laughing, and seemed like they were having fun together. He quickly ran back to where Anga was seating, he was like a madman he was shaking, he couldn't talk he paced around making his friend uncomfortable.

Anga: Dude you are making me dizzy what's up?

Elam: You got to do something she gonna harm her. How did she know I was here? When did she come?

Anga: Calm down, here have a drink. What are you talking about you are not making sense?

Elam: She is here to ruin my life. I can't believe it.

Anga: Who are you talking about, you are scaring me, man.

Elam: Paloma, she is here.

Anga: Arg man you scared me, see I told you to tell the truth now it's haunting you. What did you drink tonight? Look at you, you are sweating.

Elam: Anga she is here.

Anga: ( He laughed) you remind me of the first time I smoked weed it was so scary man, you know I actually believed I was butter, I felt everything the worse part was when I melted in a hot pan it was really man I had never been that hot. (He laughed again).

Elam: She is doing this on purpose just to torture me. I have to talk to her.

Anga: Okay, this is getting out of hand, am I that drunk or are you? Are you talking about your fiance from...

Elam: Ex-fiance, she is here with Zama man, come take a look.

Anga: What! Is that her? Man, she is beautiful like fire bro.

LOVE ALWAYS WINS.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin