Louis sick but wont tell anyone (request)

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Request for @Izzy-FIzzy <3

Louis POV:
"Shit" i spoke as i saw myself in the mirror of my bathroom. I felt awful and looked awful, but a good brush of my hair a splash of cold water would do the trick. I don't like telling the boys when I'm sick, it makes me feel weak and venerable. I usually just keep it to myself.

"Ahh Louis just in time," I herd Niall almost shout as I entered the front room.

"Here mate eat this, we have a busy day today," Harry said while shoving a plate of a full English In front of my face, I wasn't hungry and the smell of the food made my stomach turn, but Harry was right we did have a long and I did need to eat.

I say down in between Zayn and Liam at the table and started on my bacon.

"You ok, Louis," Zayn always asks me if I'm ok so I didn't think anything of it. I nodded back as I had a mouth full food.

"Right so today we have; at 9:10 our first interview, at 10:20 our photo shoot, 2:30 our second interview and from 4 on wards we will either be preparing for the show or performing - and that is at the heart radio awards," Harry said siting down as he Informed the boys.

Nobody's POV:
At the first interview, Louis wasn't feeling any better and his stomach was starting to hurt,

At the photo shoot, Niall was starting to notice that Louis was quieter and going to the toilet quicker and more often, but Louis threw him off by saying "he was tired and drinking a lot of energy drinks to keep him awake," which Niall believed.

At the second interview Louis really wasn't feeling well, his head was pounding, his stomach was being a son of a bitch and made his throw up at least 4 times at the photo shoot, his whole body was aching, and he was dizzy.

At the concert rehearsals the boys were starting to worry, Louis in the bathroom 70% of the time, he looked high, and he wasn't putting any effort into the rehearsals.

Louis POV:
I feel like utter shit, I can hardly walk without stumbling, but I can't tell the boys they will worry about me and make me sit out on the show. For now I'm going to keep it to myself and carry on telling the boys I'm just tired.

"Louis what's wrong, you've been off all day and you look high asf" Liam asked me just before we entered the stage

"I'm ok, just tired didn't get much sleep" I replied

"I don't believe you, but I'm not ready to argue you with you just before we go on stage" Liam said as he walked closer to Zayn


We started running on stage, that's when it hit me - 'I am never going to make through this whole performance'

The intro to the story of my life started playing and we all did what we had practiced in rehearsals.

It had go to my part, my heart was pounding through my chests and I was feeling much more dizzier than before. The last thing I remember was my vision going blurry, seeing dots In front of me, my vision going black then hearing my mic hit the floor.

Niall's POV:
It had gotten to Louis part, I was waiting for him to sing but he never did. I looked over and saw his mic fall out of his hand and hit the floor followed by him. I started to run over as did the rest of the boys.

We grouped together and carried Louis backstage - we placed him on the sofa and called an ambulance.

"Mmh" I herd Louis make a noise so I quickly went over to him.

"N-Niall what h-happened," Louis asked

"Louis you fainted, are you sure your ok!?" I asked him making sure I had a stern tone in my voice. That's when he broke down into tears and nuzzled his head into my chest my rapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.

"I-I think I h-have the f-flu" I herd Louis mumble into my chest. I pulled the guys over and told them what Louis just told me, when I was done the paramedics had arrived so I stepped back and let them do there job.

Nobody POV:
When the paramedics we're done they said they didn't need to take him to the hospital but he needed a lot of rest.

For the next week and a half Louis was bed bound and had to be nursed by the other 4 boys but after a lot of TLC he was back to the normal Louis.


I hope this is ok - sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything like that

Please leave requests and any tips on how to improve :)

Anyway tpwk if you can't do it the tommo way ;)

One Direction || sickfics Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt