Harry Stomch bug

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All the boys were on the tour bus having a good time after the previous show, Liam and Louis were playing FIFA, Niall was eating, and Zayn and Harry were watching the FIFA match.

Harry's POV:
I was watching the boys playing FIFA when I could feel my stomach was starting to hurt, I thought I was hungry so I got up and met Niall at the kitchen were I grabbed a couple of left overs from the pasta we ate before the show and sat back down.

When I had finished the pasta I stood back up to put my plate in the kitchen, but I was stopped in my tracks when a harsh, sharp pain was shot through my stomach. It went away quite quickly and no one noticed that I had grabbed ahold of the table, so I stood myself back up and walked into the kitchen. "You ok mate?" Niall asked worried, "yer why wouldn't I be?" I questioned, "you look really pale, that's all" Niall stated "I'm ok, just tired after the show" I replied and walked away. I walked towards the rest of the boys and realised just how bad my stomach felt and My head was starting to throb, so I decided to call it a night and went to bed.

3rd person:
It was about 3:30.a.m. And Harry was awoken by an aching pain in his stomach that was bringing him discomfort, he put his hand on his tummy and tried to ease the pain, it didn't work. Harry didn't want to wake anyone but he knew he had to get to a bathroom so he quietly slipped out of his bunk and made his way to the bathroom, without realising that Louis was awake and on his phone on the bunk above him.

Louis POV:
I couldn't sleep so I was on my phone, and that's when I herd Harry shuffling out of his bunk and I saw him one hand on his stomach another on the wall making his way to the front of the bus - I wasn't sure what he was doing so I just watched him, but as I watched I realised he wasn't going to the kitchen for a drink he was going Into the bathroom. I wanted to make sure he was ok so I got out of my bunk and make my way towards him.

When o reached Harry I saw him hunched over the toilet and breathing heavily, by the looks of thing he hadn't thrown up when I got there but he sure looked like he was going to. I bent down and started rubbing circles on his back "you ok Haz, what happened?" Harry shrugged his shoulders before he was thrown forwards and throwing up into the toilet "alright mate, get it out," I said "your ok" - once Harry got a break he sat back and flopped into My arms having no strength to hold himself up "what happened Haz, you seemed ok earlier!" I stated "Meh, I've been feeling off for awhile" Harry admitted, I wasn't happy about this but I didn't think he was in the mood to hear that.

We were sat on the floor for about 10 mins before Harry told me he was ready to go back to bed. I picked him up and guided him to his bed and laid him down, "I'm going to go and get you some medicine and some water then you can go to sleep, ok?" Harry gave me a small box so I made my way to the kitchen.

When I got back with the water and medicine I handed it to Harry's shaking hands and watched him swallow harshly for were his throat would have been raw from the vomiting,
"Is there anything else you need?" Harry gave a slight shake of his head and rolled over, I took myself back up to bed but made sure I moved the bin near to his bed first - just in case.

When we all woke up Harry was feeling a bit better, but not much so he sat out the show we had and was summoned to bed rest until he felt better, it took about 3 days for him to feel 100% and he back to shows.


I'm so sorry this took so long to write, I've been really busy and just NOT had time, I hope this is ok, it's not the best but I tried :)
Please leave requests and if you enjoyed this make sure to vote and comment 👍
Tpwk x

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes, missing letters/words, etc.)

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