Niall sick

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"Shit I'm late," Niall said to himself as he woke up, he had rolled over and saw it was 8:50.a.m on his clock.

He had to be at work for 9;00.a.m so he jumped out of bed.

To quickly because he was stopped by a sharp shooting pain hitting his lower stomach. He had felt that before, knowing what was about to happen he ran to his bathroom pulled down his boxers and waited.

When he was done he pulled his boxers back up and stumbled his way to his room. He saw a quick glimpse of his clock it was 9:10.

Niall threw on a hoodie and a pair of light blue jeans knowing he couldn't call in sick because the boys had a very important photo shoot he had to be at, and management would never let him have a day off.

He walked out his house leaving having no breakfast and drove to the photo shoot.

When he got there all the boys were already getting dressed and almost onto hair.

"Sorry I'm late lads, over slept," Niall said as he entered the room, not wanting to say why he was actually late because it was embarrassing and he didn't was the boys worrying about him.

"Good, your here we were getting worried about you," Liam said

"No we weren't, you were," Louis added

"Ok, I was!" Liam replied

Before Niall could say anything the designer walked in.

"Niall we need you to come and pick your outfit for the shoot," 

Once Niall was done with dressing he made his way to Lou so she could do his hair.

"Good morning Niall, you ok bud?" Lou asked.

"Yer," Niall replied.

"You sure, you seem off and you look a little peaky," Lou questioned.

"Well I had a bit of a bad stomach this morning, that's why I was late. But I think I'm ok," Niall admitted.

"Aww sorry mate, hope you get better," Lou said sympathetically.

"Thanks, me too" Niall replied laughing little.

Once Lou was done with Niall's hair he got up and made his way towards the guys who were all ready, ready and waiting for the Irish lad.

"Finally, let's get shooting," Zayn said as Niall walked in.

The photo shoot went well, the boys got some good photos but Niall was having to leave every 5 minutes to use the toilet and was sick once as well.

Just as they all walked out Harry pulled Niall aside.

"Niall what's wrong? You have hardy said anything today and you look as white as a cloud," Harry asked.

"Umm... it's just my stomach hurts and it been playing up all morning," Niall said red faced, he thought it was embarrassing to say.

"What like you were sick?" Harry asked with a worried tone.

"No the other end, but I was sick once," Niall looked down as he spoke.

"Oh, sorry mate, why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked.

Because I didn't want anyone to worry and management would never let me go home," Niall said starting to cry a little.

"True, well when we get to the studio take it easy yer!" Harry said walking away.

Niall followed closely behind, he got in his car and drove back to the studio.

Once at the studio all the boys were sat in the chill room, Harry and Niall sat on a sofa on there phones, whilst Zayn, Louis and a Liam played FIFA.

Niall was sat minding his own business when all of a sudden he could feel that his boxers were wet at the back, "shit, shit, shit," he said under his breath.

"What's happened? You ok?" Harry whispered leaning towards Niall.

Niall couldn't help but cry, his head fell into his hands.

"Shhh, it ok mate? What's happened?" Harry comforted with a hand on his back.

"C- can you ask t-the others to l-leave?" Niall whimpered.

"Boys can you leave please, I need to speak to Niall," Harry asked.

"Yer ok, what's happened?" Liam asked as he pushed Louis and Zayn out of the door, closing it behind him.

Harry shrugged and turned towards Niall.

"Now, Niall what's happened," Harry asked readjusting himself so he was crouched in front of the blond.

"I-I....," Niall couldn't speak.

"Point," Harry said.

Niall pointed down.

Harry got the message and placed his hand on Niall's shoulder.

"It's ok, you don't have to be embarrassed it happens to all of us!" Harry explained.

"Do you want me to get you a pair of fresh boxers and some sweats.

Niall nodded.

Harry exited the room, he walked half way down the hall when he was stopped by Liam.

"What's happened? Is he ok?" Liam asked concerned.

"Yer, he's just had an accident. But if a dodgy stomach," Harry said.

"Oh ok, poor lad. I'll go and tell Louis and Zayn," Liam said turning around.

Harry grabbed his hand.

"Tell the others not to say anything please, he's embarrassed enough as it is, he doesn't need those too making jokes," Harry said sternly.

"Ok, I'll make sure they don't say anything!" Liam said walking away.

Once Harry was back with the boxers and a pair of sweats Niall had cleaned himself up in the nearby bathroom.

When he was changed he made his way back to the boys in the chill room, and sat down next to Harry.

Harry patted his lap, to invite Niall to rest his head, Niall then proceeded to lift his legs up on the sofa and place his head on Harry.

"What movie do want Niall? We need what happened so we're all going to rest," Louis said.

"Fast and furious," Niall croaked with a smile on his place face.

Niall fell asleep during the movie, with no more incidents.

After 2 days Niall was feeling much better and was back to his normal self.



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