out of the black

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   "Oh!" I suddenly realized what she was talking about and chuckled to myself. "Why did we make our own words then?"

   Brenda shrugged, the smile still prominent on her face.

   We stood there for a while in silence, the happiness slowly draining as the moments passed. There was still a heavy weight on our chests, one that we couldn't rid with just laughter. The realization that we were going to preform this plan in less than an hour finally started to creep up on us, and the fear began to set in. We knew that this was something we had to do, scared or not. But still, the weight pressed down on us as a constant reminder of the worst that could happen.

   "Are you gonna talk to Newt?" Her voice was quiet as she spoke to me, and I nodded, taking a deep breath.

   "I guess I should do that now, huh?"

   She nodded as well, placing a hand on my shoulder and pulling me into a hug. I returned the favor, sighing into her shoulder and staring into space for a few short minutes. She pulled back, giving me a small smile and trying to lighten the mood.

   "I'll wait for you by the tunnels, okay?" She was talking to me like I was five years old, trying to reassure me that everything was going to be okay.

   I silently agreed. "Okay. Just give me like fifteen minutes..." I sighed for the millionth time. "This won't take long."

   "Take your time." She murmured, turning around. "But not too much time."

   She walked away, and so did I. Returning back to me and Newt's room, I felt the tears start to already prick my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stood at the wooden door, my hand on the handle. I ran a hand down my face before shaking my head once and pushing open the barrier.

   He was standing in the middle of the room. Not getting dressed, not crying, just standing. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him, fully covered head to toe in a WICKED uniform. His front was facing the concrete window, looking out at the sky. The room had a different atmosphere than the rest of the place we stayed in, and strangely enough, it was almost... peaceful.

   Before my brain had the chance to think over my action, my legs started moving toward the boy. My footsteps echoed off the walls, but Newt didn't turn around. I finally approached him, not saying a word as he stared out at the world, unmoving.

   With the curiosity that was suddenly set on me, I turned my head to the window as well, looking at what he was staring at.

   The moon was front and center. A big, white orb that lit up the area around it in its fullness. My heat melted, the moon meaning so much to the both of us. And now that we both had a perfect view of it, it was like the world was bidding us goodbye as well.

   I turned my head to Newt, only to see him continue to stare at the floating rock. His face was expressionless, but at the same time, holding all of what he needed to say.

   I didn't speak. I couldn't. This moment was too precious.

   My hand slowly moved to grasp his in mine, such a familiar feeling. Almost immediately, his calloused fingers wrapped around mine, squeezing three times. The gesture was simple, something we've done so many times before, but I couldn't help but feel like this would be the last time I ever ran my thumb over his knuckles.

"I still think you're a very beautiful woman... Still remind me of the moon." He whispered, making my heart skip a beat. I remembered the night where we spoke about the moon. It was the night where everything really started to change.

Thomas had came, Newt and I had cracked open the jar of vulnerability with each other, and things in the Glade shifted from a peaceful safe haven for us, to the cause of almost all of our problems. Little did we know that we would be where we are today.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz