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Kai and Hari quietly ate what was left of dinner; Izuku twiddled his thumbs and waited for them to finish.

Izuku understood to never talk about Overhaul ever again. Whoever it is, they must be important, Kai doesn't get frustrated at him over nothing. He thought Overhaul was their boss; it would make sense. Hari or Kai never bring Overhaul up in conversation, on top of that, why would they? If this mysterious person is their boss, they probably will not want to bring up work-related topics. AKA their boss. But he was still confused about why he had not met Overhaul yet. He knows Kai and Hari take out his blood for work-related purposes and surely Overhaul would want to talk to the main source of it.

He sighed, grabbing the attention of the two men, they both looked at him and did the same thing. Hari sat up from the table and collected the dirty dishes into a make-shift pile. Izuku watched Hari do this with wonder, still thinking about Overhaul.

Meanwhile, Kai studied Izuku; he had a feeling he was thinking about Overhaul. He never wanted Izuku to know who Overhaul was, even if it was him. Like he said before, he wanted Izuku to be isolated from the hero/villain society. If he finds out Overhaul is a villain name and knows it is the other name Kai uses, Izuku may be frightened that Kai and Hari are villains. Because of that, he wanted to keep him in the dark, but of course, life is not on his side. He just hopes Izuku will not figure out any major details.

Izuku felt someone viewing him, he changed his sights to be on Kai. Kai indeed was doing it. The two looked into each other's eyes, green onto gold; Izuku smiled and giggled after a few moments. Kai was knocked out of his thoughts and lightly smiled.

With no words, Kai sat up and walked over to Izuku's seat; he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him up effortlessly. He carried him to the bathroom, leaving Hari to clean up.

Izuku nuzzled into Kai's neck and closed his eyes. Kai shuffled to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat. He yanked down Izuku's pants and underwear. Izuku did his business while he watched Kai.

Once he was done, Kai removed the rest of Izuku's white cotton clothing. The boy hummed a quick toon to the commands Kai was giving and smiled. He closed his eyes in contentment. The next thing he knew, he felt being lowered into warm bubbly water, he cracked open his eyes just a smidge, to see Kai.

Kai rolled up his sleeves and moved his hands to position Izuku into a more comfortable sitting one. He cupped his hands and scooped up water, the boy closed his eyes and felt warm water being poured on top of his green hair. Kai repeated the process, making sure Izuku was fine each time before doing anything. He gently splashed water onto Izuku's upper body.

Eventually, Izuku's hair was fully wet, the same goes for the upper parts of his body. Next, Kai selected the correct products on the side and squirted the soapy mixture onto the palms of his hands. Izuku had opened his eyes to see what Kai was doing and shut them again once Kai was bringing his hands to his hair. Kai rubbed the product into Izuku's hair, making sure to untangle any knots. Some soap slid down the boy's ears, making him hunch up. Kai paused and quickly understood what was the problem, he collected the fallen product with his index finger and wiped it back onto Izuku's hair.

"Thanks Kai!" Izuku said cheerfully.

"You're welcome, my Angel."

Izuku giggled at what Kai had said, he would always love it when Kai says 'My Angel', it makes him happy that he was getting consideration.

Kai continued and washed the product out with water. He did this a second time with a different product. Izuku was adoring the attention he was being given, it made him happy, no, ecstatic!

Kai smiled once he saw Izuku smiling brightly like the sun, he was the light in his dark villainous life. He will do whatever it takes to keep it. But it's Izuku's choice to create it. He just needs to follow the rules and he will smile for the rest of his life with Kai and Hari.

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