"Well it should be, I am half german/half dominican. That would be embarrassing to not speak those languages," I laugh at him.

We walk together through the hall and towards the spanish class. I chose the back seats once again and Blake seems to have the same idea since he follows suit. I grab my notebook and pen out and we continue talking until the teacher arrives.

"Buenos días," the teacher says as entering with a rush.

"Cómo están?," she asks. The class replies back with a few cansados/as or bien's.

"Clase, tenemos un estudiante nuevo. Su nombre es Ally. Quiero que sean amables con ella," she says while taking out her documents in her briefcase. She turns to look at me.

"Me llamo señorita Rivera, Ally. Bienvenidos al Español 4. Ok, clase, saquen sus cuadernos y hoja de ejercicios. Comenzaremos en la página 4," she says as she hands me the worksheets. There were around thirty in the packet. I look over to Blake and he looks utterly confused. I wonder how he even got into this class. I whispered over to him what we should be doing and for the rest of the class he called me his angel.

As the end of the day rears its head, I walk nervously into last period, Science Fiction Literature. I look over to my table and when our eyes meet, I think my heart stops. She's wearing a horizontal striped blue and white shirt with another set of ripped pants and some black boots. Her leather jacket hangs over her chair and her bag over that. I walk nervously over keeping my head down and sliding into my chair as I get to the table.

Her eyes look over to mine and she mouths a hey to me which I reply with a blush and another hey. "So, you are coming to my place afterschool?," I ask.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you during practice," she replies back.

"Cool cool cool. Got you. Uhhh, so I thought of some ideas. I thought about maybe we could write about the idea of supernatural beings. Like Frankenstein's creation is literally a dead body brought back to life. He is made up of different parts all over, and then electrocuted awake. So, I think we got something good going from there," I say putting some notes down.

"You call it a creation, not a monster?," Sky asks.

"Well I mean, it does do some awful things, but there's no right way to define what we call a monster. I mean I read a bunch of supernatural books and by what humans define as monsters, they are them, because they look different to what we perceive as natural," I say while glancing at Sky. She seems to have a smile on her face with I think amazement??

"What?," I ask.

"Nothing," She replies while chuckling to herself.

"Hey, I heard you are in German 3 and AP Calc, but I didn't see you in any of those classes yesterday," I say, trying to start a new subject.

"Why are you asking? You want me to go," she replies back with a smile.

"No," I say while a blush heats up on my cheeks. "As if," I turn my eyes over to something else.

"I didn't know you were in those classes. I'll remember that," she says while jotting her notes down.

After that, we went back to our work to write more notes down. I don't know about Sky but I spent the rest of the class time drawing stuff which basically meant putting the finishing touches on my drawings in my notebook.

"I didn't know you could draw," I heard come from Sky's mouth. I continued to look down and draw.

"Yeah, I just really like it. It passes the time," I reply.

"Well it definitely did because it's time for you to go to practice," Sky laughs as she collects her things and puts them into her bag.

"Oh shit," I scramble my stuff together.

"Calm down cub, you're fine. You have twenty minutes," Sky laughs as she walks to the door and waits for me.

"Oh my god. Don't do that to me," I say lightly punching her.

"I'm sorry," she says and when I look into her eyes, my heart stops.

She's so perfect

Thinking with my heart, I grab her hand and lean my face into hers. Her lips react with shock but then starts kissing back. I don't know why but every time I touch her, spark soar throughout my body. She grabs my hips and moves them against the lockers so I'm stuck between her and the lockers.

We kiss until we can't breath. Sky steps backwards a little bit and starts talking.

"You should go to practice. I will see you after."

"Okay," I reply to her as she starts walking down the hallway.

"Did I-," I turn to face her but she's already out of the building. "- do something wrong?," I say in defeat.

Practice passes by with my thoughts only on Sky. As it comes to an end, I grab my stuff and hurry to the parking lot. My heart beats again when I see Sky on her black lamborghini. I couldn't but smiled that even after walking out after we kissed, she did wait for me. I walk up to her cautiously.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," she replies. "I'm sorry," I hear from her.

I turn to meet her gaze. "It's okay," I reply back. I can tell she isn't big on apologizing so I understand.

I get into the passenger side and she closes the door of the driver's. The car trip is silent on the way home. She focuses on the road glancing at me ever so often while I continue to look out the window and back at her. We turn our way from the street into the small path that leads to my house. I checked my phone to see if anyone was home.


Hey guys, going to be home around 17:30.


Okay. I have practice then going to go to some of the shops on the main roads with friends. Won't be home until late.

I text back I'm home and lead Sky inside.

"So good news, my mom is not home nor my brother so we can work more. Bad news, it is really messy," I say laughing.

I open the door and head straight for the kitchen grabbing two water bottles and some snacks from the fridge. Sky seems to be looking around at everything, especially the photos hanging on the wall of me from my bad years with acne.

"Come this way. My room is the attic," I say as I motion towards the stairs.

We walk up the stairs together and as we climb up the attic stairs, her face lights up in a smile.

"So this is your room," she says smirking. "Nice," she adds.

"Yep. This is all my stuff. Now c'mon. Let's do the project."

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