She do has invited me to hang with her and her friends, but I just feel so excluded and weird around them, I feel like I'm intruding, and I hate that. They have different 'hobbies' -if that can be a name for doing drugs and having sex- that I clearly don't practice, so it gets really awkward if I ever hang out with them.

I'm still thankful that Jess is my friend. My only real friend.

I looked at the clock in the front of the class room, 8:01 a.m., the teacher enters the classroom and starts her class shortly after. I'm not really in the mood to learn about whatever a vector is.

After what felt like an eternity, it was time for lunch and the halls were flooded with people. I entered the crowed cafeteria and scanned the room for my usual table, Jess was already sitting there, as she does whenever she wasn't hanging with her friends, but this time her friends where sitting there too.

Just the sight of it made me feel anxious, I always sit there, with or without Jess, but never with other people. It's not that I'm picky and hate them or something, it's just that I feel uncomfortable around them and I want to eat my sandwich peacefully not feeling all awkward.

I began searching for other tables I could sit in, hoping I could find an empty one. I saw two lonely tables, one beside the trash cans and another one that seemed perfectly fine, I obviously reached the second one.

I sat and start eating my lunch as I continued with my pending math homework.

"That's our table." I suddenly heard a deep male voice behind me and I turn around to face him.

"What?" I stupidly asked the two intimidating men in front of me, although I heard them perfectly, but I was confused if they were talking to me.

I know them, of course I do when they are know for being nothing more than trouble, specially the other member of their trio but I don't see him here.

They are really popular, even if they barely attend school. But right now they are here, talking to me. This can't be good.

"That's our table and we don't remember inviting you, love." The light-brown haired guy says looking at me, with a slightly annoyed look in his face.

What am I supposed to do? Run? Yeah, I think that's the best option.

I feel myself blushing just because of their presence, how pathetic.

"Stop being a jackass Roman, let's just go to subway or something." The other guy kicks the light-brown haired guy, whose name seems to be Roman, in the back of his head, gaining a glare from Roman.

"It's okay. I was leaving-" I start picking up my things, I don't want to intrude.

"Wait," Roman says making me stop picking my things to look at him. "Actually, why don't you sit with us."

Didn't he told me to leave a second ago? And why would he want me to sit with them. What a bipolar dude.

"Um, I thought you wanted me to leave." I say moving my gaze back to my belongings, avoiding eye contact.

"Well I changed of opinion." He says with a smirk on his face, making me start overthinking due to his sudden change. This will just end in one way or another, either I embarrass myself or I embarrass myself, there's no other option.

I sit again where I was sitting before I was interrupted and they sat near me. Roman sitting next to me while the other guy sits next to him. My cheeks still feel warm, I really hope they can't see it.

I eat the rest of my lunch awkwardly while they are both in their phones. Roman is in a call and the other guy seems like he is playing some video game in his phone, he seems so entertained.

Wounds of My Heart Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя