Mira Vs Rufus

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The votes, brought to you by Gray Fullbuster who literally gets one line in this entire fan fiction (check if you don't believe me!)

Laxus : 24
Rouge/Rogue (idk) : 19
Natsu : 23

Rouge/Rogue : is my name spelt Rouge or Rogue?
Sting : Am I a Holy Dragon Slayer, a Light Dragon Slayer or a White Dragon Slayer?
Lisanna : Why didn't I stay dead?
Mira : Why did I stop being a badass demon after my sister's death?
Every one episode character ever created : Why am I here?

Narrated PoV

Mira sighed as she walked the barren streets of Crocus. She had not encountered anyone yet, not even one of the Tri-Men! It was, for an S Class mage like Mirajane, rather annoying.

As Mira walked those not so barren streets, a certain Memory Make mage was watching her.

"As my memory recalls," Rufus began "Mirajane Strauss is an S Class take over mage. Defeating her shall make Sting, Rogue/Rouge, Orga and Lady Minerva respect me!" Rufus finished.

As Rufus struck Mira with an 'Memory Make : Ice Make Lance!' From behind too quick for to dodge or counter, she braced herself. She let out a cry of pain as she was sent flying into a building. Rufus smirked, believing the She-Demon would be an easy opponent.

Oh how painfully wrong he was.

Mira (in her Satan Soul : Halpas form) punched Rufus in the gut too quick for him to even see her attacking him. As he was sent flying, Mira sent a 'Darkness Stream!' Straight towards him. He could not counter or dodge the stream. Rufus hit the Earth hard, and Mira didn't give him time to recover, as she sent a series of brutal attacks towards him.

As Rufus was slowly but surely falling into unconsciousness, he realised the bitter truth, something he really should has realised long before now.

That, in the end, the weak always fall before the strong.

Rufus smiled a bitter, small smile as he slipped into the the sweet, black void of unconsciousness, losing both the battle and his pride.


Okay it's like, late where I am and I'm tired so don't judge me for the bad chapter.
Secondly, Wattpad refuses to publish this chapter without fucking up somehow so excuse me if I had to upload this a hundred times.
Thirdly, the votes (Laxus, Natsu and Rouge/Rogue.) will be ended around two chapters after the GMG.
Fourthly, I don't own FT. Hiro Mashima does.

Till next time!


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