Chapter 5

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"I swear you get prettier every time I see you," he leaned down to kiss your cheek.

"I mean... you've only seen me like four times" and two of those were when you were surrounded by other very sweaty fans.

"And I hope I get to see you a lot more." He winked at you before moving his arm around your waist to lead you out into a waiting car to take you to the stadium. The two of you rode in a comfortable silence, your head lay on his shoulder with his arm snaked round you refusing to let you go. It was a reasonably short drive, ending a little too quick for your liking as you took Joon's hand to step out of the car. The two of you had to take separate entrances to the venue, even leaving the garage in different directions, to avoid suspicions of ARMY members that arrived early. The plain clothes staff member lead you round to the front entrance, the two of you blending in with the VIP ticket holders.

You weren't able to see Namjoon again before the show started. You'd been ushered straight into the VIP square. The concert was amazing. Knowing that his eyes were on you the entire time made it a little harder to lose yourself, but it also added so much more. To be able to show off, aware it was having some effect on the intended recipient. Midway through Jimin's dance solo you received a text

N <3: you look so beautiful dancing for me...

N <3: At least I hope its for me :'(

You can't help but giggle a little at the feigned jealousy

N <3: stay in your seat after the concert.

The last text left you confused. Why would he want you to wait there? It could be half an hour or more until the venue was fully empty. Your question was left unanswered unfortunately as all the boys reappeared on stage.

At the end of the show, you did as you'd been asked and stayed put. The stadium actually cleared faster than you thought possible, 25 minutes total. You had sent Namjoon text after text, trying to figure out why he had requested you stay there, you felt silly, so many others had looked at you like you'd grown a second head, or were some weird stalker. Maybe it was all an elaborate joke? It seemed out of character but maybe the boys enjoyed messing with ARMY members like this? You stood, getting ready to leave, when a spotlight came on centre stage and there he was, microphone in hand. An unfamiliar song played over the speakers and he began to rap an unfamiliar song. It was surreal, your idol rapping just for you... so why did it feel so awkward? You couldn't help but giggle a little. Your attempt to stifle failed miserably.

"I'm trying to do something cute and you are laughing at me?" Namjoon pouted, forgetting his attempt at a serenade.

"Sorry" you look at your feet embarrassed. He kneels at the corner of the stage and pulls your chin up to look into your eyes.

"It's all good, it was kind of a cringy idea I guess." He shrugged and then motioned for you to take his hands. You do and he used the leverage to pull you up on stage with him. He is much stronger than he looks. You're thankful he pulled you close so you could hide your blush in his chest. He began to sway with you in his arms, dancing to the music still playing from his previous romantic attempt. You didn't notice he had pulled you on to the hydraulic part of the stage until it started to move down, you'd let out a small squeal in surprise.

"This is a very elaborate way to seduce a girl dude" Jungkook laughed when you two reached the bottom. He patted Namjoon good naturedly on the back but only earned a glare form his hyung in response.


After everyone had finished packing away, you rode to a hotel with some of the boys. You sat in the very back with Namjoon, no one really speaking, all half passed out from the excitement. The idea had been for you to have your own room once you got there so you could go to breakfast on one last date with Namjoon before they left for the next country. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a slight mix up.

"What do you mean you didn't book a room for her?" Namjoon asked the management team.

"We're sorry Joon, we tried... There weren't any left" they reasoned. Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh as he tried to think of the best way to deal with the newfound problem.

"It's okay... I think I saw another hotel about a block away, maybe I could stay there and meet you somewhere in the morning?" You try, it really was no big deal as long as you got to see him before he left.

"NO" he blurted a little too loud. "I mean... Maybe you could..." He took a deep breath, "maybe you could just stay in my room?" Your eyes widened a little at the sudden suggestion. "Only if you're comfortable with.. I could bunk with one of the others or sleep on the sofa, honestly, I'd just feel better knowing you were safe and at the same hotel." You tried to suppress the grin that crept on to your face, he really was the sweetest.

"I don't mind us sharing a room" your voice sounded braver than you felt. "But you've had a long day you should take the bed"

"Definitely not, you're my guest you can't sleep on the sofa" he reasoned. You paused for a moment, thinking of how to argue.

"Maybe... Maybe we could just share the bed?"

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