Chapter 2

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You sat there trying to work out exactly what it could mean. Why had this been put in your pocket?
Maybe it was for another secret fan event? Your head was filled with so many possibilities that you
had been completely ignoring your friend.
“Are you even listening to me,” she huffed “what is that you’re holding?” she reached forward to
grab the small card from your hands before you could protest. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she
read it. “If this is another stupid fan event I’m not going, I’m done now. I will hang around town
another night if you want to go, just don’t make me go with you”
“I’m not sure what it is, I just found it in my pocket” you whisper, a little scared it will disintegrate
if you keep talking about it. You take the paper back from her and move to leave the diner you
were sat in.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?”
“I guess I have to go find an outfit now” you say grabbing her hand trying to pull her up a little
faster, she rolls her eyes but follows you to the shopping district anyway. You spend the remainder
of the day going from shop to shop attempting to find the perfect dress. This was a really nice
restaurant with a reputation to uphold, but you didn’t want to overdress for what was likely a
marketing dinner or after-party. The boys probably wouldn’t even be there, just a nice way to get
feedback from ARMY after a show. The stores were almost closed by the time you found the one.
Your friend had long been slumped in the dressing room chair, eyes closed, trying not to think
about how much her feet hurt. The dress you were wearing was a deep emerald colour with an
asymmetrical hemline that fell from mid-thigh to just below the knee. The neckline plunged
slightly to reveal a somewhat classy amount of cleavage and the fabric was a soft velvet that you
couldn’t stop running your hands over. It was perfect and it would go well with the knee-high
black boots you had bought as a backup for your converse.
The next day was spent pampering yourselves in the hotel room to recover from the damage done
from all the standing and sweaty bodies of the two days before. You made a quick run for the
drugstore to pick up bath salts and face masks and then didn’t leave the room for the rest of the
day. Eating copious amounts of candy as you both dangled your feet over the ends of the bathtub,
the drying mud making it difficult to open your mouth to shove anything in properly. As the
afternoon wore on, she helped you curl your hair as you did your make-up, accidentally burning the
back of your neck when you lent back from your mascara. The red welt was painful but small,
luckily easily hidden behind your hair.
You were ready by six, the restaurant was a half hour taxi away and you refused to be the idiot that
walked in late. Saying goodbye to your friend as she went out for the night you gathered your
things and took one last look in the mirror. Everything looked fine but you couldn’t help the small
anxieties creeping in. This could be a chance to leave a lasting impression on the boys, what if your
makeup was too much? What if your lips were too red? What if you were more done up than
everyone else? You scrunch your eyes shut and force yourself to take a deep breath. Now is not the
time to panic. You grab your hotel key out of the holder by the door and hurry to the elevator. The
doorman hails a taxi for you, and you are on your way.
The restaurant is even nicer than you were expecting, but luckily you seem to be dressed
appropriately. You made your way inside and told the maître d why you were there, presenting the
small card. He gave you a quick once over making you even more nervous, it felt like an eternity
before he finally spoke.
“Ah yes, you must be here for the over-excited blue-haired boy” before you could respond he
turned on his heel and began to lead you through the restaurant. You follow behind him, a little
confused. Soon you come to a small booth at the very back of the building. The waiter clears his
throat to get the attention of the man already sat there. His head tilts up and his face brightens with
his stunning smile.
“You came!” his eyes are shinning as he grins at you and stands. You were completely stunned
into silence. Namjoon, THE Kim Namjoon. Sat at a table waiting for you, and by the looks of it,
just you. You swallow thickly and try to stammer out a hello, making him chuckle. “I’m sorry
about the vagueness of the note I left you, I was scared you’d drop it and too many other ARMYs
would turn up” he takes your hand and brings it to his lips “you look beautiful, by the way.” He
puts his arm around your waist to usher you in to your seat.
“Would you like a drink madam?” the waiter asks snapping you out of your freeze, you nod.
“I’m… yeah, just water please” your voice coming out a little weak.
“Are you sure? You can order anything you’d like, my treat” Namjoon’s eyes are searching you
trying to gauge what you might be feeling.
“No, it’s okay, just water, thank you” now starting to stabilise from the shock you take a deep
breath and meet his eyes. “So, what is this? A marketing competition?” you ask trying to figure out
how you were lucky enough to end up in in this situation.
“Wha…” his eyes widen in realisation “Oh no, no, I was kind of hoping it was a date…”

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