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johnnys pov:
annie's keeping a secret from me and i don't want there to be any secrets.
i know i'm one to talk but i care about her a lot.
she was standing by the block in the cafeteria with her friend lilia.
i don't know what they were talking about, but they were talking none the less.
they began to walk past our table, but not the side i was sitting on.
j: jules.
i shout slightly.
she waited as i walked over to her.
a: hey
she says hesitant.

j: so you're avoiding me now.
a: what no
she says shocked and remorseful.
j: you were gonna walk right past me.
a: i was talking to lils, and that most definitely was not right pass you.
j: we need to talk.
i said back.
a: i'll be over in a few minutes.
she says to lilia and motions for her to head to their table. 
l: alright.

lilia walked away and annie turned around to me.
we sat down at my table which was filled with the guys, but they were having their own conversation.
a: hi guys.
she says waving and they all greeted her and proceeded with their conversations.

a: what's up.
j: what's up?
i say confused.
she just stared back looking flustered and nervous.
j: what was that this morning?
a: nothing.
j: you need to stop with the nothing bullshit annie, you ran away from me.

a: i needed to talk to my brother.
j: what about you dodging my kiss and pushing me off of you.
i said in a harsh tone.
a: please stop.
she says softly.
j: jules what's wrong did i do something?
at this point all of the boys started to stare.
annie never usually acts like this.
it's like she wants to say something, but she can't.
a: nothing and no.
she says taking a deep breath and calming herself down.
j: we promised no secrets.
a: okay, i'm sorry, but i physically can't do this right now.

i look at the guys and they looked at me back, we were all confused.
cars: annie just sit down and eat with us.
a: i'm gonna go sit with my friends, thank you though.
she said with her voice shaking while grabbing her backpack.
a: bye guys.
and she walked off to her table.
j: what do i do?
darius: i'd go over there.
cars: no don't, you'll overwhelm her.
j: i need to know!
i say as i went over to her table and put my hand on her shoulder.

j: jules please talk to me.
she turned around to face me.
as her friends stared.
a: johnny i told you i didn't want to talk right now.
j: i need to know what's wrong, because if it's something i did please tell me and i promise i'll fix it.
a: it's nothing you did.
j: so there is something wrong.
a: nothings wrong.
j: you said it wasn't something i did, therefore it is something.
a: i don't need you interrogating me in front of my friends or yours.
j: i really didn't mean to, or to make you so upset, but we needed to talk and you were avoiding me.
a: i was not.
j: i'll pretend to believe that.
i said flat.

a: johnny what do you want from me.
she says looking down.
j: talk to me! you're leaving me in the dark right now and i'm putting in as much effort as i can to fix whatever the problem is, but i can't do it unless you put the effort in as well.
i say remorseful.
she just stared at her shoes.
j: are you not allowed to date?
a: what?
she says confused looking at me.
a: yes, i'm allowed to date.

j: do you not like me.
a: what are you even talking about! of course i do.
j: you're not making any sense right now.
i say slightly loud.
j: i cant be-
h$: is everything okay over here?
hayley says to annie and i.
a: yeah everything's fine, johnny heading back to his table.
j: but i-
c: johnny i think you should go back over there.
caleb says to me.
j: okay.
i say as i run my finger through my hair.

j: will you at least call me later?
i say to annie and she nods.
j: okay.
i say turning around and walk back over to my the guys.
i didn't want to go, but i respect her brother.
he wants to protect her and so do i.

secrets or lies: a johannie story Where stories live. Discover now