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annie's pov:
a: you look so cute today.
i say to jayde as we're standing in the hallway.
jay: i've been changing up my style a bit and experimenting with makeup.
a: it looks good, lauren orlando is into fashion.
jay: her outfit are killer.
a: she's amazing at everything.
jay: that's adorable.
a: what?
jay: you caring about johnnys family.
a: she's my friend, we should all hang out one day.
jay: i'd love that. i also want us to hang out too, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever.

a: what do you mean?
hearing that made me feel kind of sad.
jay: i mean you're always with johnny.
a: but we still hang out.
jay: yeah but it's always in the group you know, hasn't been just us two in a while, which is okay don't feel bad. i see the way you two look at each other and it makes me so unbelievably
happy, but i just miss you bubs.
i'd never want her to feel as if she's a second option to me or that i'm putting her on the back burner.

a: i'm sorry, thank you for being happy for me and thank you for telling me. you're my best friend it's always been us, so you and me all weekend, and then a week after we're going to be shredding in big bear together twenty-four seven.
she started to smile me.
jay: i'm so excited, insert cute snowy outfits.
a: oh my gosh we can dress up-

i say while someone comes behind me and places their hands on my hips.
i jumped slightly and shifted my head up to see johnny standing behind me.
j: sorry to scare you.
he says while laughing.
a: that was a really heartfelt apology.
i say sarcastically, but i still greet him.

a: hi.
i say softly and smile at him.
j: hi pretty girl.
he says as he kissed the side of my head.
i looked back to see jayde smiling and glaring at me.
'i'm sorry' i mouthed to her.

jay: you're fine, but you're mine friday to sunday. you hear that johnny.
j: yeah, i got it.
he says flustered.
jay: good, i'll see you guys around.
a: bye babe.
i turn around and faced him.
j: what was that all about?
he says rubbing my arms.
a: she just wants to hang out more, feels like you're stealing me away.

j: well i did come for that.
a: where are we going?
j: the roof.
a: the roof?
i say curious.
j: yeah, theres a little surprise up there.
a: okay.
i said hesitant.

as we started do walk down the hallway, i heard someone say jaydens name.
so i turned around to listen in on their conversation.
j: annie.
johnny said curious.
"did you see her outfit today, it was hideous"
"i know all that yellow she looked like big bird from sesame street."
they both started to laugh together.
that was enough for me.
i walked over to them, and it was two of kenzie's friends, dylan and emily.

a: hey.
d: hi
dylan says stale.
a: could you guys not talk shit about my friends, it's unnecessary.
e: okay we'll make sure to talk about you next time.
a: perfect.
i say sarcastic.
j: annie let's just go.
d: sophomores have seniors on their hips and don't know how to act.
a: you're the two making fun of my friends outfit, that seems a bit elementary to me.
e: did she just call us elementary?

a: she did, words of advice, you're eighteen worry about something that matters, and not about other people and their choices, especially not the ones that make them happy.
i say sincerely.
d: and you're sophomore maybe learn your place before approaching me.
she says in a baby voice.
i scoffed while giggling.
a: mhm revised words of advice it cost zero dollars and zero cents to mind your own business, learn to do that and keep your mouth shut.
i say wide eyed.
a: but i guess i know why you both do it since you'll never be queen b.
i say in my baby voice.

i smiled at the before before turning around and walking away with johnny.
j: what was that?
a: i'm not sorry, if i hear anyone say anything bad about the people i care about i will not hesitate to act on it.
j: i didn't pick you to be confrontational.
a: i can be when it come to the people i love.
j: i find that admirable.
a: thank you.

he guided me and we went to the rooftop and there was a bucket filled with water balloons.
a: what is this?
j: we're going to drop them on peoples heads.
he said excited.
a: johnny.
i say remorseful.
a: we can't do that!
j; yes we can, it's water.
a: i'll feel bad.
j: be a little bit bad julianna grace.
i look at him funny.

j: it's my own private senior prank.
a: i'm not a senior.
j: you're dating me so you're an honorary senior.
a: we're dating now?
i say flirty.
j: we've been dating in my eyes.
he hands me a water balloon.
j: there's the one and only mackenzie ziegler, i say tit for tat.
a: i'm not one to seek vengeance, but do onto others how you want others to do onto you right?
i say to him in a duh tone.
j: make sense to me
he says sarcastically

i walked next to him, and release the water balloon.
it landed right on her head.
it filled me up with joy.
k: what? water! on my head!
she yelled.
johnny and i ducked and we couldn't stop laughing.

j: i told you.
we peaked our head back over the balcony.
a: there's my brother.
j: and caitlin kissing. i didn't know they were a thing.
a: they been together since we moved out here, they're so in love with each other.
i say staring at them.
a: he said he never knew what it was like to be in love until he met her.
j: you think that's true.
a: i do, i think there's one person who teaches you how to love.

i heard a chime come from my phone.
it was a message from jayde.
it was a picture of johnny and i in the hallway this morning.
someone took it and sent it out to my fandom.
my eyes went bugged.
j: what's wrong.
a: uh.
i say stuttering
a: uh nothing.
i say texting her back.

j: yes it is.
he says calm.
a: no it's not.
he grabbed my phone.
j: what is this?
a: nothing
i say grabbing it back.
j: annie we promised no secrets.
a: it's not a secret, it's nothing in fact.

i really should tell him since its starting to involve him.
i also don't want to keep secrets from him because i'm really starting to fall for him.
i just can't do it right here right now.
a: look there's asher, i'm gonna throw one at him.
i say referring to the water balloons.
j: jules.
a: do you trust me.
he hesitates for a moment.

j: of course i do.
a: then believe me.
j: but- alright i believe you.
he says hesitant, but it was enough for him to believe me.
a: okay then let's just have fun okay.
i say kissing his cheek.
j: okay.
i threw water balloon at caleb and it missed but he got splashed.
j: i'm gonna do carson.
he dropped it a hit him on the shoulder.
cars: is it raining in california?
we both fell out laughing.

a: i'm gonna throw it at that guy in the suit.
i say letting go of the water balloon.
j: no annie wait that's the principle.
he says fast.
i cover my mouth and gasped.
the water balloon landed right on his head.
johnny grabbed my hips and pulled me back into the school.
i was standing in front of a locker and johnny was standing in front of me.
he had his hands on my waist and i had my arms around his neck.

j: i think you may be taking this bad girl thing a little to far julianna grace.
a: maybe so.
i say flirty
he leaned in to kiss me, but i turned my head and pulled out of his grip.
he gives me a curious look, and i have a remorseful face.
j: what was that?
a: nothing.
i say with my hands crossed and facing down.

j: are you seriously not gonna tell me what that was about.
he said really confused.
j: is it the same thing that was bothering you on the roof?
a: uhm-
j: what even was it? a picture of something?
he looked genuinely concerned.
j: annie, if i did something please tell me.
a: you didn't do anything.
i say clear.
j: but you're obviously not telling me something.

a: oh there's my brother, i'll see you later okay.
i say changing the subject and running over to caleb.
c: what's up anns.
a: it's johnny.
i say turning back to look at him and he was staring back at me.
c: what about him.
a: i'm scared to tell him about the vlogging.
c: you haven't told him yet.
a: no.
c: annie you need to.

a: i don't want it to change anything or ruin it.
c: well this is your life, if he wants to be apart of it, then he won't care.
a: maybe you're right.
but if he doesn't want to be part of it, then how am i supposed to feel.
i couldn't stand him a few months ago and now he has me thinking i know what love is.

secrets or lies: a johannie story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora