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annie's pov:
jayden and i were sitting at lunch with the rest of our friends, hayleys and a few of calebs too.
connor, caitlin, nadia, ruby, asher, and lilia.
caleb had to work on a project but we're all one big friend group.
moving to la we were each other's only friends and now we each have some, but our bond never changed.
it only grew so we stay together.

i was sitting there talking to everyone while eating my lunch.
ash: are you guys coming to our game?
a: yeah of course we'll be there.
n: every last one of us.
we say smiling at him and he smiles back.
he's my best friend, i'll support him always.

jay: jules wants to go to see johnny.
ash: orlando?
asher says confused.
a: i don't even know him, he just nee-

as i say that liquid drips down my face.
i wipe my face and turn around.
to my surprise it's kenzie.

a: for what?
i say calmly, i'm never one to blow my top.
i try to let everything just roll off my back.
k: you know what you did.
jay: imagine being a senior obsessed with a sophomore.
ash: seems a bit pathetic to me.
jayde and asher say to kenzie, sticking up for me.
k: how about you both shut your faces.
n: how about i punch you in yours.
nadia says standing up.
a: don't get in trouble over her, she's not worth it, not even a little bit.
i say to nadia.
a: i hope you found pleasure in that!

i say grabbing my bag and walking towards the bathroom.
as i'm walking i walk past johnny.
j: hi julianna grace! a wet julianna grace!
a: coffee is my new look i guess.
i say shrugging my shoulders.
j: how'd you get coffee all over your head?
a: apparently your friend from this morning wasn't too fond of our hug.

i say shaking my head.
j: kenzie?
a: yeah, it was black coffee too and obviously i'm dirty blonde she could've at least added cream and sugar to match my hair color better, but i'll take what i can get i guess.
i say shrugging.
he starts to laugh at me joke.
j: i don't mean to laugh, but why are you so chill about this.
i'm obviously not gonna tell him that most of my life has been on a screen, and i've heard some vulgar things.
coffee in my hair is the least of my problems.
a: getting mad isn't my thing.
i say shrugging.
j: i'm gonna talk to her, don't think i'll leave the situation alone.
he says to me kindly

a: my friends kind of gave it to her, and still are, but you do what you want. i'm not getting in anymore senior drama. nice chatting but i rather not sit in coffee.

j: where are you going?
a: find my brother and see if he has anything i can wear and then shower in the locker room.
j: i have clothes in my locker you can change into. the sweats are adjustable, but the hoodie may be big.
a: no it's fine, i'll find caleb, i'm sure he has something.

j: no really it's fine, if it wasn't for my "senior drama" you wouldn't be sitting in coffee, so i'm responsible.
he says leading me to his locker.
j: i'd also prefer him to not beat me up
a: oh he'd so beat you up.
i say sarcastically.
j: my point exactly juliana grace.
he says handing me the clothes.
a: thanks.
j: let me walk you to the locker room.

a: i can manage.
j: having company is okay too.
he walked me to the locker room and i went in.
i showered quickly because i had class soon, just washed my hair and rinsed.
i put on johnnys sweats and cuffed them at the bottom so they fit and the sweatshirt was fine, but it said "orlando" on the back. 
i walked out and he was still standing there.

a: and you're still here?
j: your hair smells good.
i give him a weird look.
j: look i feel bad the least i could do is wait for you and make sure you're okay.
a: i can handle myself.
i've done it this long.
j: i'm sure you can, but you don't always have to.
he says sincere.

a: you're gonna be late.
i say changing the subject.
j: breaking rules is kinda my thing julianna grace.
he says grinning at me.
a: well they're not mine, so i'll see you later. thank you again for the clothes.
j: no problem you should keep them they look good on you.
i rolled my eyes.

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