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johnnys pov:
annie and i have been hanging out a lot.
after our first date we've been doing all sorts of things.

i was waiting for annie to pull up to my house, and when she did i opened the door for her.
she was wearing a white skin tight dress with a jean jacket and a pair of air force ones.
she looked really beautiful.
a: hey.
j: hey okay trade places with me.
she gave me a confused look and i moved her to sit in the doorway of my house and i stood on my porch.
j: so hi you look amazing.
she started to laugh.
a: thank you.
she says smiling.
i hand her the flowers that i had gotten her.
a: more flowers?
j: yeah more, but i know sunflowers are your favorite not roses so a replacement you could say.
a: how'd you find that out?
j: asher may or may not have told me at practice today.
she started to laugh.
a: well sunflowers are my favorite, but i love roses too. i honestly love all flowers in general.
she says looking at them.
a: are you ready?
j: yes i am.
i say while grabbing her handing and walking her to her car, i opened the door and she hopped in the passenger seat and gave me the keys.
*end of flashback*

i took her to danielle's diner and then we went mini golfing.
i had so much fun.
we have been on the phone and texting each other every minute since then. 

i was sitting at lunch with my friends and annie came and sat down next to me.
she doesn't usually come to my table, but i haven't seen her at all today.
a: hi guys.
she says waving to everyone.
h: hi annie
cars: what's up.
a: just wanted to talk to johnny.
j: hello julianna grace what's up?
i say flirty.
a: i had somewhere i wanted to take you, may i steal you away.

j: yeah, i'll see catch you guys later.
d: bye lovebirds.
hayden was glaring at me, and i smirked at him.
cars: don't make out too much.
a: we'll definitely try not to.
she says sarcastically.
a: bye guys.
annie grabbed my hand and pulled me through the school to her car.

j: where are we going?
a: you'll see, we're gonna be late for class though.
j: that's not very good girl of you julianna grace, i thought breaking the rules wasn't your thing.
a: maybe you're rubbing off on me.
she says smiling as she starts to drive.
the entire we were making jokes and singing  disney songs.
she truly is one a kind.
every time i'm with her i get a feeling that i never want to go away, or moments that i never want to end.

we pulled into the parking lot and we're at the dmv.
j: the dmv.
i start to laugh.
a: johnny you need your license, you don't seem to be making and moves with it so i did.
j: but i thought this was going to be something cute and romantic, where we'd do something adventurous and spend time together.
i say sincerely.
a: if you pass i'll plan something, i'll even pick you up and bring you flowers.
she says laughing.
i just glared at her.

a: i promise you.
she says smiling at me holding her pinky out, and i wrap mine around hers.
she got out of the car when she noticed the driving instructor was walking towards her car.
we drove around the block and he took notes and was scoring my driving.
dmv: who was that girl that brought you.
he says making small conversation.
j: one of my friends, her name is annie.
dmv: she looks oddly familiar, like i've seen her somewhere, like somewhere big, but i can't put my finger on it.
he says awkwardly.

dmv: did she teach you how to drive?
he proceed to ask.
j: more or less you could say.
we pulled into the parking spot and annie was standing in front of it.
she had her hands together smiling, she looked so happy.
dmv: you passed, congratulations. you can pick up your license inside.
j: thank you.
dmv: i still can't figure out where i know that girl from, but makes sure to say thanks for bringing you. being in high school and in love is a beautiful thing. you never want to let go of that.

the instructor says getting out of the car.
there is no way annie is inlove with me, but i know i'm starting to fall for her.
i got out of the car and she wrapped her arms around my neck.
a: i knew you could do it!
j: thank you for bringing me.
a: of course.
j: so i think i was promised a date.
a: go pick up your license and we'll go now.
j: what about school.
a: i guess i do know how to break the rules.
she says flirty.

i went inside and got my license.
i came back out and annie drove us to a very beautiful state park, about forty five minutes for our town.
she laid down a blanket and set a basket on top.
j: we're having a picnic.
a: yeah, what.
she says to me as i stared at her.
a: you said something romantic, i don't know.
she says flustered.
j: no i'm not judging it, i think it's adorable, i was just staring because you're beautiful and it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

she lets out a sigh.
and laid her back on the blanket.
a: i come here a lot, and just turn my phone off. it's always so quiet, the suns warm, and i get to listen to the bird chirp which sounds like music to me.
j: am i the first person you've brought here.
a: yeah, this place is really special to me so i keep it a secret. it's not close to home either so they won't come looking for me here.
she says sitting up.
j: why'd you bring me here?
a: you're the only one i think truly gets me.

j: what do you mean?
a: everyone thinks i'm the most perfect person and i have all my shit together, but i have no clue about anything i'm doing. i'm just living day by day. you're the only one who doesn't look at me like an image of the most perfect person.
j: that's the only way you can live don't worry too much about the future because you'll forget to live in the moment, i just wake up in the morning and deal with things as they're thrown.
a: same here.

she says laying back down.
j: annie you've been there for me, and i'm going to be there for you always. talk to me when you need to, no secrets okay. i promise.
even though i'm keeping the biggest secret from her.
she smiles and then leans in to kiss me.
i kissed her back obviously.

narrators pov:
they were both keeping the biggest secret from each other.
johnnys that he was using annie in a bet, but was truly falling for her.
and annie's being her whole life story.
they spent the rest of the time being goofy and coddling each other.

secrets or lies: a johannie story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon