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I'm brought into an embrace as soon as I walk through. I like the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, it feels protecting. I don't want him to let go, not just yet. I take in his smell and it's wonderful. He smells like the Abercrombie&Fitch cologne I've grown to adore. He let's go of me and I take a step back. I take in his presence and he looks quite adorable. He's in a long sleeve red shirt and tan kaki shorts, matched with white converse. I love his sense of style it suits him. He notices me looking at him up and down and he starts to blush. His cuteness makes me smile and now we're both smiling like dorks.

"So what brings you to my house Mrs.Reign?"
"I just wanted to visit, wanted to see you again." Not entirely false.
"Well welcome to my warmly decorated home, I don't know if you wanted to visit my parents but you just missed them."
"Looks like I'll have to meet them this weekend during our date then."
" you wanted to come here?"
"Well it really didn't matter to me, I want to meet them eventually tho."
"Haha ok that seems fair."

He walks me over to the couch that is outside on the backyard patio. He brings my hand into his and lightly squeezes. He pulls his laptop onto his lap and looks for movies to watch. My mind is not at all focused on the movies, I'm trying to figure out the best time to ask him what really happened that night with Tiffany. I'm just really scared to mention that Tony told me this. He might think that I hung out with him just to spite him. I really hope that this goes smoothly. He chooses a movie called The Notebook. It is one of my favorites but I can't stop thinking about earlier today. We got through half of the movie until I tell John to pause it.

"John....I have to ask you something."
"Okay." He lets go of my hand and turns to face me.
"Please just hear me out first before you say anything, and know that I'm not mad."

The words seem to stuck in my throat and I can't seem to get them out. My chest is starting to rise and fall fast and it feel my stomach flipping. I reach over and grab his hand lightly squeezing. His face seems to add some color back into his face. He lets out a deep breath like he knows what's coming.

"Where you telling me everything that happened the night of Tiffany? I know that it's not exactly my business and that I really shouldn't care because it's in the past, but I'm just a little taken back because you told me one version and Tony told me another and-"
"You talked to Tony?! I told you to stay away from him. Ariah-"
"Can you please not interrupt me? I'm trying to tell you something I-"
"Ariah how could you even believe one word that he says? He lied to you and-"
"And I'm starting to think that you lied to me too!"
"Ari- what did he tell you?"

Anger is starting to come out. I specifically told him not to interrupt me. I jump off the couch and look at him.

"He told me that you were in on it! That you were part of the bet.. and ... and that the only reason that you stopped the bet was because you were losing."
"Is that all he said?" He's starting to clench his fists.
"No that's not everything."
"What else did he say?"
"He said, you used to sell drugs."
"Hmm okay."
"No it's not okay."
"What do you mean?"
"Tell me everything that Tony said was a lie....tell me that."
"We'll not all of it was a lie."
"Than what was."
"The selling drugs part was, I never sold or did drugs, the only indecent thing I did was drink under aged."
"That's not true."
"Oh yeah right, but you can't just come here and bring up my past."
"What do you mean I can't do that? You told me a lie about your past! You didn' didn't tell me everything that didn't have to tell me about the Tiffany situation but you could of at least told the real story...and-"
"Your right I didn't have to tell you that, but stop bringing it up it happened in the past."
"I only brought it up this once, I don't like being lied to."

He now jumped off the couch and now stood right in front of me.

"Ariah how would you like it if I just drove to your house and accused you of everything people we saying about you! Huh? Is that the only reason you came here? You only came here to say crap about my past, but really you don't know me! All that stuff happened in the past and I don't like to relive it that's why I didn't tell you the truth! I don't care if you eventually found I do care...I mean I just don't want you to think about how I used to stop talking about it....okay?"

He the runs his hands through his hair and his cheeks are slightly flushed. His breathing is starting to increase and all I can do is look at him. I want him to tell me everything about his past, I want him to tell me, and I don't want to find out through other people.

"John...the reason I came here was for the truth....and for you to tell me the truth and-"
"Ariah I-"
"Let me finish! I wanted to say that I don't care! I don't care about what you did in the past...okay?! Everyone makes mistakes and that I can't judge someone by their past as long as it doesn't completely effect the future. I just wanted you to tell me the truth, because I didn't want to hear it from other people. It was bad enough to hear the story from Tony."
"Did you...did you hang out with Tony today?"

His face looks pained, and his fists are no longer clutched. I grab one of his hands and he slightly pulls back. I pull harder letting out a light laugh.

"Tony somehow found me at a bookstore I was shopping at, I didn't intentionally hang out with him. I was pretty much forced."
"What do you mean forced?"
"He told me all of this stuff today....and curiosity got the best of me so I just listened, but after a while I got mad and left."
"Why did you get mad?"
"It's Tony remember?"

He lets out a light laugh and squeezes my hand. I don't want to fight with him. This really shouldn't have been a fight, I just wanted to talk with him. I still don't completely understand why he didn't tell me the truth in the first place but I don't want to harp on it.

"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"No it's not...I should have told you to truth....I was just scared of what you were going to think of me...I didn't think that you were going to find out either so I...."
"It's okay, I forgive you."
"Thank you."

We stand there for a couple of seconds in silence. He breaks the silence.

"So any past stories you want to tell me about yourself?"
"Umm ahh...."
"Ariah I'm joking...another day."

He brings me into an embrace and it's comforting. I don't want to talk about me, but it's not fair if I bring up his past. I promise myself not to get worked up about his past when he knows nothing about me. I take in his smell once again but this time it's tinted with sweat. It smells sweet and amazing. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I put my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. He whispers into my ear.

"Well I'm glad that you came over, even tho it resulted into a fight."
"I'm glad I came over too."

It doesn't matter if we end up fighting, at the end of the day I'm just glad to see him.

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