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I sit in my driveway, worried about her. She didn't answer me, she always answers her phone when I call her. I call again but this time leave a message.

*Hey, umm your probably sleeping which is why you didn't pick up, but umm I wanted to say that I'm home safe and that I hope you have a wonderful day today, I have classes today, but don't hesitate to text me when you wake up....umm that's it, goodbye Ariah*

I know that she was just sleeping before I left so maybe that's why she didn't answer. That has to be the only solution, she doesn't avoid my phone calls. I see the front door open and I know that nothing good is going to happen when I walk through those doors. I walk in the house and it already smells like liquor. The aroma is something I detest and I don't want to be here another second. It's about two in the morning and I have no where else to go.

"Where have you been?" My father is in his recliner with a glass in his hand.
"I was over a friends house."
"Why are you lying?"
"I'm not lying, I was over a friends house."
"You clench your fists when you lie."
"No I clench my fists when I'm mad, where's mom?"
"She's upstairs why?"
I run upstairs in a full sprint.
"Hey! I'm not done talk-.."
I run upstairs fast enough to not hear the rest of his sentence. My mom is in bed sound asleep. My dad claims not to be an alcoholic, and I don't take him as one, it's just that he can't hold his liquor sometimes. And I know what his trigger is so I'm not gonna be near him another second.

I walk into my room and strip down to jump into the shower. I let the water relax me as I think of what I'm going to do about the whole Tony situation. I wasn't telling Ariah the full story of what happened that night, or anything from my past. I just don't want her to think of how I was back then, and judge me now. I have done some things that I'm not proud of but at least it wasn't as bad as Tony's past. There's more that I want to tell her about him but I don't think she'd believe it. She looked at me funny when I was explaining the situation of Tiffany. I jump out of the shower feeling partially relaxed. I look at my clock and it's almost three. I want time to pass so that I can speak to Ariah again. My whole world is starting to revolve around her and I'm not so sure if I should love it or fix it. I've only met her a couple of days ago, but those few days felt like a lifetime. I know we're only eighteen but if I could I would take her with me and we'd leave all this behind us. She doesn't even know what she does to me. She drives me virtually crazy and it's maddening. I have a couple of assignments that I have to finish and I have to get them done. I get a text message from Brooke. I don't want to look at the message but curiosity is nipping me away.

*hey, what are you doing today?-B*
Does this girl not take a hint?
*i have classes, today...what do you want?-J*
I don't know why I'm responding but if I don't she will text the same thing over and over until I reply.
*Theres no need to be rude...I'm going to the movies want to come?-B*
*No...I have classes.-J*
*Ariah's gonna be there;)...-B*
*Who's going to the movies at three in the morning?-J*
*Obviously not now idiot...later today...Tony invited her.-B*
No Ariah wouldn't show up after what I told her about him.
*No thanks I'll pass.-J*
*Ok fine..-B*

I really need my parents to get me a new number. I hate her texting me, she sickens me. I put my phone on mute and dive into my assignments. I'm going to school to become an electrical engineer, but I really want to be a photographer. My parents think that going in to be an electrician is the smart and practical way of doing things. I remind myself that when I get enough money saved up ill travel to someplace untouched and savor in the moments. But being a photographer won't pay student loans. By the time I finish my assignments its five o'clock. I have to get ready to leave. I quickly grab a pair of shoes and my car keys. Class doesn't start for another hour but I want to get a few things done. I stop by a close gas station and put the pump in my car. I look around and notice that only three other cars are around. One women steps out of a truck and she looks strikingly familiar. She looks like someone I used to know but I blocked out a lot of my past for a reason. She turns towards me and gives a small smile, when I don't smile back to her, her smile fades into a frown. My car is now filled and I jump in my car to leave. I'm raking my brain to think of that woman. Was she an old neighbor? An old friend even? I don't even know.
I pull into the parking lot of the college and patiently sit there. I only got a few hours of sleep so I'm exhausted. I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes. The radio is playing a slow calming song probably by Ed Sheeran.
My phone vibrates from under my leg, it's an alarm saying that I'm going to late if I don't get up in fifteen minutes. My neck now hurts when I turn to one side. Great. I swing the front doors to the college open and a musty smell consumes me. I walk right into my first class which is Math. A girl with blonde hair sits on my left. Her notebook is covered with many pen designs, I'm guessing was done during class. Her name is on her notebook and it says Rebecca. I instantly try to think back if I've known any Rebecca's in my lifetime. There was this one girl who's name was Rebecca, she had bright red hair and tons of freckles on her face. She was in my kindergarten class. She was the most weirdest kid I have ever met. She kept trying to convince me that eating crayons was healthy and that the orange ones tasted like carrots. She believed in fairies and unicorns, you know..the typical little girl. She held my hand once and it was so awkward, her hand was so sweaty and sticky. I apparently was her first crush, or so she told me in fifth grade. I'm snapped out of my daydream by the blonde tapping me on my shoulder.

"Oh umm sorry I was ahh thinking."
"Yeah umm anyway, do you have last weeks assignment? I didn't finish mine and I highly doubt the teacher would count that as a 'complete assignment.'"
"Umm yeah hold on." I pass the assignment over for her to see. I usually don't let people see my papers but I'm in a caring mood today.
"Thank you, umm John is it?"
"Yeah your welcome, don't get used to this tho."
"Ha, don't worry I always get what I want." She lets out a chuckle and a smile spreads on her face. She has a nice smile, but it didn't exactly meet her eyes.
The teacher comes in the room and I'm then pulled into the class.

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