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For those of you who want to know what the outfit that Ariah is wearing its the chapter cover^^^^^^ the event is a BBQ and dance party outside...the state they live in is Delaware, Pennsylvania

I look out my window and see that my friends are waiting for me outside the house. I do a quick touch up on everything and throw lipgloss in my purse, grab my keys and run out the door. A few 'I love you's' are shouted out the house. As everyone piles into my car I am stuck inside my mind. I am aimlessly hoping that hazel eyes would miraculously show at the party. As I'm driving Shawn Mendes' latest single is spilling through the speakers while everyone is singing along. Where in the world is her house? We've only been driving for twenty minutes and I swear it seems like we have been driving for an hour.
I pull up to what seems like a Mansion. I must admit this girls got money. Shes got at least five cars in her drive way which look extremely expensive. I quickly compose my self as we pile out of the car.
We walk into the backyard and it is all set up like Coachella. I have never been to one but I do spend a bit of time on Pinterest. Flowers are every where and it looks fantastic. There are multiple of picnic tables with flower vases and plates set up all around. Some kids are playing volleyball while others are throwing the football. I start to smell something sweet so I instantly look for the food. I find that she has burgers and hotdogs cooking on the grill. But that's not the sweet smell..where is it?? I turn to my right and I see a stack of cupcakes. I know for a fact that I'm going to have at least three.
I turn and see Morgan assessing my outfit. I must admit I kinda like hers more than mine. She's wearing a short summer white dress that comes mid thigh. Wait it's not a dress it's a romper. Now that's really cute. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail with two little braids on the sides. She looks amazing. She's trying to bring out her greenish blue eyes by adding some colorful eye shadow.

"Ariah you look amazing!"
"Oh stop it." I start to blush
"No really I love this top...where did you get it?"
"Umm Urban...I got it today actually."
"Well it's really cute so let me borrow it one day ok?" She winks and then starts laughing.

Her brother Mark starts to walk over. Morgan starts whispering into my ear.

"So I heard that he said you looked really pretty." Referring to her brother of course

Ever since I said that he was cute she has this thing where she now has to set us up. I mean he's no where near ugly it's just that something's missing. I can't put my finger on it so I'm just gonna go with he has no sense of humor.

"Hey look nice, way nicer than me." He says with a smile

No he has a sense of humor...then what is it.

Morgan says a joke about his hair and then they both start laughing. Oh my goodness, it's his laugh...he starts snorting. That's it, it's the laugh. I try to look past it and assess him. He has a stripped black and white shirt on with jean shorts and Jordans. His hair is jet black and is slicked back like a greaser look. He really is handsome. I mean the laugh isn't that bad. Until he starts getting louder and the snorting becomes more frequent.

My heart starts to skip a beat when I see a familiar T-shirt. But instead of it being the person I hoped it was just Mark's best friend Tommy. He is beyond the most annoying kid I have ever met. He finds anything to make fun of. I'm telling you if a super model walked right next to him he would have something to say that he didn't like about her.

"well hello there Ariah."

Even his voice is annoying. And his stupid hair, it's never brushed and his breath always smells like fish. I shouldn't know what his breath smells like cause I don't like being that close to him. But he always leans foward when he speaks.

"Hey Tom." I try to sound as nice as ever. I'm biting down on my tongue so hard I swear I can taste blood.
"Ariah what in the world are you wearing? That shirt is way too's not like you have anything to show anyway."
"I would stop talking if I were you." I remark
"And why is that?."
"Because I would be forced to beat you up." Mark coldly says.

It totally took me by surprise. Mark never gets mad at Tom, but what he said was totally out of line. Tom looks at Mark like he has two heads.

"Oh I see Marky you like Ariah....don't you?"

Mark's face turns red and he quickly walks away. I feel really bad for him now. I punch Tom in the arm as he try's to swat my hand away. I walk away from Tom and attempt to look for my friends. They're gathered together at a table with Morgan and her friend Haley. On the people I hate list Haley tops Tom. She's so mean, I try to tell my friends about the things she says to me but they always so "no way!" Or "She is just so sweet, she would never say that!" After a while I stopped mentioning it and just started backfiring comebacks at her.

"Hey Guys."
"Hey Ariah, here sit next to me." Morgan demands
"Hey Ariah, I thought I saw you flirting with Tom over there." Haley holds a cold smile
"Yeah i was talking to Tom, are you mad that he didn't come over here to talk to you? It's ok I know that your not his type, or anyone's for that matter." Her smile then turned down into a frown
"I don't want to be Toms type I much rather would want to be John's." John? Whos's John?
"Umm who's John?"
"Oh Ariah come on you don't know him? I thought you would since you make sure every guy here knows your presence."
"It's not my fault that guys notice me, without me even trying." I then coldly smile at her.
"Well John is this gorgeous friend of Mark's who he met at another party. He has dark brown hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes." Hazel eyes? My hazel eyes? I soon feel jealous that they are talking about my John. Wait he's not even mine, what am I thinking?
"Well he's suppose to be coming today...I think we should introduce Ariah to him." That was the smartest thing Haley has ever said.
"Sure id like to met him."

We spent the next 15 minutes talking about a future beach day that we want to plan. I started to get bored with the idea after a while and started walking towards the volleyball net. A group of people were already playing so I just jumped in like no ones business. I like playing sports, I'm very athletic and many people don't believe me when I say it. We get a good game going and it's starting to get dark outside. Morgan calls us all over so we can sit around a big bound fire that she lit up. I'm telling you this girls got everything. She's got a couple acres of land so I can see how she fits all these things in her back yard.
The smoke starts to fill my senses and for a brief moment I start to forget everything. I'm now imagining the woods and a lake with boat. A small wood cabin with a dock. I am quickly snapped out of my trance when someone calls my name.

"Hey Ariah, I want you to met someone."

That's when I see the familiar face.

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