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We walk back towards everyone who seem to be in a circle talking to each other. John stays to my right as we walk up. Tony is the first one to notice us and a frown forms on his face. I then remember how John tossed his board to the side, I try to stifle a smile.

"Hey Ariah, we're all going to my house right you wanna's only four." He glares at John as if to uninvited him.
"It depends on what my friends are let me ask them."
"Oh-they said that they're is that a yes?" He seems extra eager for me to come, but I just want to go if John can.

I turn towards John and smile, and ask.
"Are you going?"
His half smile returns. "Umm I don't think that I was invited,....I think Tony wants you all to himself." He tensed up as he said those last words and clenched his jaw. Wow he has an amazing jaw line.
"Umm why don't you ask to come?" I'm trying really hard not to sound desperate for his presence. He then smiled and pulled Tony to the side.

I let out a big nervous breath.
Kennedy pulls me over to the group and I'm starting not to like the look in her eyes.

"Ok, Ariah....I saw that little moment that y'all shared over there." I sly smile played on her face and seems to grow each second I don't reply. I try to deny it but I can't seem to get the words out. I simply just smile at her and nod. She starts going on and on about how she has to get us together and how she needs to give him some tips. I'm really not paying attention to our conversation I'm more focused on John's and Tony's. It's starting to get intense because John's looking flushed and clenching his jaw. He's starting to raise his voice but I can only make out a couple words. "Mine" and "Away" are the only words I can make out. I thought they were friends but the conversation is too tense for me to think otherwise. John makes eye contact with me and I smile back at him but he just looks away. I tilt my head down trying to act like nothing happened. I hope he's not in a bad mood all day, I like the happy and flirty John. They start to walk back to the group and I'm so nervous of what the outcome of their talk is. John comes over and whispers into my ear.

"Looks like you got your way...don't get used to it." He then looks down at me and winks. He is way too good at this. I smile at him.

"I always get my way...better get used to it." I smile and stick my tongue out at him. I can tell I made him blush cause he looked away.
I look over to Tony and notice that he's staring at us. As soon as I make eye contact with him he quickly looks away. John told him not to talk to me? Well this is going to be a long night.
We arrive at Tony's house about twenty minutes later. If there was a better word for beautiful his house would definitely be it. It's not just big it has a lot of character. It doesn't match the other houses that are about a few acres away. Where are these people getting their money from? Tony gives us a quick tour through the house while trying not to make any eye contact with me. John stays to my right and makes sure not to venture off too far.
Tony takes us to the backyard and we all gather in a circle around a bonfire. It's not even close to dark out but we all just sit and wait. Tony and some of his friends who I haven't really spoken too try to set up a volleyball net. I grab a seat next to Symone and John sits on my other side. John scoots closer to me and moves over like he's going to whisper something in my ear. But before he could get anything out Tony starts yelling.

"Hey guys! Don't you think it would be cool if we went to this one abandon house a couple blocks down?!" A few people dismiss him but more people encourage to go.
It's a good thing it's not dark outside or I would not be agreeing to this.

The walk to the house took about ten minutes. I really shouldn't be complaining but my feet are starting to ache. The house looks very abandoned, but I'm starting to like the look of the house. I must be going crazy. The house has little to no lighting. Someone thought it would be funny to scream at the top of their lungs, which made me yelp. I trip back a couple steps and fall into John's chest. I feel his chest rise and fall as he laughs at me. I playfully hit his arm telling him that it's not funny. He then grabs my hand sending my mind to think crazy scenarios. I look around and see that people have brought some pillows and blankets to sit down at which looks like a living room. Someone tosses me a blanket which I thankfully accept. I sit down next to John and this one boy who I don't know. Tony brought a lantern and places it in the center of the circle. What is wrong with us and always sitting in circles? I pull out my phone and realize that I have a few text messages from John about an hour ago. That's strange, when did he send me these? Before I can even click on them to read John grabs my hand.
"Please don't read them.." He holds a frown on his face with a bit of nervousness.
"Can you tell me what it is then?"
"Umm I can tell you what it's texted you those when I was mad at Tony...please don't read them." He's starting to plead with me and I can't help it but to be even more curious.
"Well I have to read them to delete them..." Annoyance played on his face now.
"Fine." And with that he got up and walked towards the door.
I don't want to make him mad so I get up and follow him out the door.

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