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"How are you?" His smile seems to show.
"I'm doing did you know what college I go to."
"Oh John told me once, I don't remember when tho." He started to shift feet uncomfortably.
"Well it's a welcoming surprise I guess."
"Umm did you drive to your classes by yourself."
"Umm yeah I did actually, my car is just over there."
"well what are you doing right now? I mean after you get home of course." He starts to rub the back of his neck, the way John does when he's nervous sometimes.
"I-." But before I could finish my phone starts to ring. I was hoping that it was John but it just turned out to be my Mom. I hold up a finger to Tony and answer it.

"Hey honey, are you done your classes yet?"
"Yeah I'm just about to head home right now actually." Tony then makes a coughing noise in the background and I give him a disappointed look.
"Who was that?" Great.
"Oh that, it was Tony, he just drove up here..."
"Well invite him over for dinner, he obviously wants to spend time with you."
"Ok yeah sure fine."
"Ok see you when you get here, love you."
"K love you too bye."
I then hang up.**

"Well Tony she wants to invite you over for dinner, if that's ok?"
"Yeah that's great actually, can I have your address?"
"Yeah sure."

I then type it into his phone and then walk back into my car. This is not going to be a date. I don't like Tony at all, there's something about him but I don't know what yet that is off. I wish I told my mom that I don't like Tony but that I like John and maybe she wouldn't have invited him out to dinner. Why would Tony come to my College? He wanted to take me out to eat, I would have said no but I didn't want to be mean since he came all the way out here. I want to call John on my way home but I decide against it. I'm scared of calling him and telling him that Tony is coming over, he may think its a date but it surely isn't. I didn't even invite him my mom did but I highly doubt he would let me get all of that out before he hangs up.

I pull up to my house with Tony right behind me. I'm actually nervous about eating dinner with him. I jump out my car and am startled to find that Tony is right next to my car door.

"Shall we?" He has this charm about him. He puts his hand on the small of my back, shivers run up and down my spine. We walk up to the door and my mom instantly swings the door open.

"Hey, Tony is it?" She's acting super nice.
"Yes, umm what should I call you?" She better not say mom.
"Mrs. Reign is just fine....for now." Oh great, wrong guy mommy.
"Well Mrs. Reign thank you for inviting me to your lovely home." Lovely?

My mom sits us down to the kitchen table which is already filled with food. She didn't have to make a whole meal, we could have ordered pizza for all I care. My dad is at work thank goodness, I have no idea what he would say about this scenario. I didn't want to sit next to Tony, afraid of what he would do so I decided to sit across form him. My mom started the conversation by asking all these questions. He is originally from South Carolina (just like John) and he is now in College for literature. He plans on becoming a writer and moving somewhere else. He doesn't plan on living in Delaware forever and he has one step sibling. I knew that the woman at his house was not his real mother, they looked almost nothing alike. He didn't elaborate on his step sibling and I'm not really sure if I care all that much.

After we ate dinner me and Tony headed upstairs to my room. I sat on the my bed as he sat across from me on the sofa. We just sat there for a couple seconds before he decided to speak.

"Your mom is really nice, she umm is kinda nosey tho." He rubs the back of his neck again.
"Well I mean she is a mother, that's what they do." I give him a small smile hoping to lighten the mood.
"Well I do like your sister tho, she's ah how do you put it....interesting."
"Do you mean annoying?" We both laugh, the ice is now broken.
"Well what are you doing this weekend?"
Before I could answer my phone goes off, I'm telling you this phone knows when to ring at all the right times. I pull it out of my pocket, caller ID shines on the screen. It's John.
I hold a finger up to Tony and walk into the bathroom.

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