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His eyes are burning, they are astonishing. He takes in my demeanor and quickly takes his hand away.
I forgot his hand was on my side and now that his warmth is gone it feels cold. I slightly frown.

"I thought you said you don't dance." I shout over the music
"I changed my mind."

My heart flutters when he speaks. His mouth curls up in a crooked smile and I'm starting to love it. The music and the crowd become larger. Then a loud bang fills the air which makes me jolt into him. I look up and realize it's just fireworks. The sky now looks amazing. I look up and take in the vast colors, that stretch along the horizon. I didn't notice until he whispered into my ear that he was holding on to me.

"You ok?" My cheeks started to burn.
"Umm yeah sorry that just ah...caught me by surprise."
"Yeah same." He chuckled as he spoke

He still hasn't let go of me. He hold on to me for a couple more moments until this girl came over. He dropped his hands really fast and started to rub the back of his neck. The girl is a quite pale, because her skin started to illuminate. She couldn't be craving for anymore attention. She has the most sleezy shirt I have ever seen, her shorts aren't even shorts they're more like underwear. She has bright purple hair that's long, but is gorgeous. What looks to be a lip piercing at the right corner of her mouth seems to be lighting up, but it could be mistaken as food.

"Umm John? What are you doing?" She says it with arrogance in her tone
"Nothin- nothing, I was just dancing."
"You told me you don't dance?" She looks to be frustrated now
"Well I tell everyone that."
"Mmm hmm ok sure." And with that she disappeared into the crowd.
I thought that he would run after her but he just stood there, with his hands in his pockets staring at the ground. The air around us started to thin and the awkwardness settled in.
"Umm I know it's not really my but who is that?"

Without even answering me he turned and walked away. I didn't know what to do next. I just stood there like an idiot. I didn't want to chase after him because I didn't want to look desperate. I just ended up standing there like a fool. The next song started to play and it was one of my favorites. I couldn't help but shake off the last five minutes and dance until my feet hurt. So far this part has been a blast. If you take out the complications. I'm able to find my friends in the crowd and we just start acting crazy. Who ever thought it was a brilliant idea to bring silly string is absolutely right. Everyone grabs a can and mayhem unfolds. By the time the last song is played I have silly string all over me. I'm looking a mess I can tell, but I really don't care. I'm here to have a good time so that's exactly what I plan on doing.

Kennedy and Tom are talking again and I can't help but scrunch up my face thinking them two might actually be a couple. How can she stand him? I guess love can make you blind. Eww. A disgusting taste forms in my mouth and I have to stop myself from gagging. I text my friends and ask them if they're ready to leave. It's almost twelve o'clock. I know others will tell me it's too early to go home but I'm exhausted and no longer want to be here. I look around and realize how alone I am in this situation. Everyone else is talking to someone and I'm just standing now in the middle of the yard with no one next to me. The next person is about fifty yards away. I know that i do this on purpose I really don't like people, and I like to make that known. People always let you down. I have about five friends that I can actually call mine. Each one of them have about fifty. I'm not a people person, but not approachable either. I'm the type of person who would rather sit and read a book for hours then go to a club. I've never been to club and I never plan on it.

I start walking past all the unfamiliar faces and go straight towards the fire. I just stand there and stare at it, trying to compare the fire to myself. We have a lot in common, we can both be destroyed easily. We have a weakness, and it's not hard to point out. My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, I pull it out and look at the screen.
*ready when you are girly;)-K*
*Yup I'm ready let me grab more food first-C*
*let me use the bathroom then I'm coming-S*
*yup let's go, I'm bored now-I*
*finally we can go home and sleep:)-T*

I shut the screen off after reading the message while walking towards my car. As I'm walking towards it I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and notice John frowning at me. My heart stops. I thought he left, a smile starts to form on my face but I have to suppress it considering that he's frowning at me.

"Hey, I thought you left." I stupidly admit.
"Umm no I just went for a walk I guess." Why in the world would he go for a walk?
"Oh well I'm leaving right now." Why did I say that?
"Oh well I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I shouldn't of just walked away." Yeah no kidding.
"It's ok it got awkward it's fine." Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Dang it.
"Yeah it did well um goodnight Ariah, drive safe ok?" Aw that was sweet.
"Umm yeah thank too." We stood there for a couple more seconds staring at our feet.

He stepped forward with his hands in his pockets. Now only one foot between us. He takes one more step. Three inches now. The air starts to fade away. He pulls his right hand out of his pocket and brushes his thumb over my left cheek. I shiver goes down my spine. Goosebumps form across my arms and I suck in a breath. He tilts my chin up so that I can look at his eyes. They are amazing. I can never get enough of them. No matter how many times I look into his eyes, they will always make me breathless. He's not gonna kiss me. He just met me there is no way. Please kiss me! My mind is going insane. The side of his mouth turns up so that he's slightly smiling. He bites down on the bottom of his lip, then his mouth parts.

"Be careful."

And with that his hand drops and he walks away. I stare as he walks away until he disappears into the dark. That moment was the most nerve racking I have ever had.

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