Part 5

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        I woke up the next morning with the sun beaming down on me. I got up reluctantly and started to exercise. I usually do this every morning, it makes me feel stronger and if I can become strong then Maybe I'll be able to face my father again. Or go see my mothers grave. I haven't been there since we buried her. Her death date is the day of my birthday so I've never liked to celebrate it. It just felt wrong some how.

After about 15 minutes of exercising I walked out of my room and went to the bathroom to get into the shower. I put the clothes I was wearing previously on the sink and turned the water on. I stepped in and felt grateful immediately for the warm water that was trickling down my back and the scars that were on my upper back from all of the times my dad would throw glass bottles at me.

My eyes started to water remembering those times. Why did he have to become like that? Why? I bent down hugging my knees as the water went down my face. "Y/n are you okay?!" I heard Jeongin outside of the door yelling. I stood up and whipped my tears away. "Yea im okay!" I sniffled and finished washing up.

I put the clothes that Felix gave me back on and walked out of the bathroom. Jeongin was sitting across the hall on his phone. When he noticed me he stood up and went toward me. "Your eyes are red, Are you sure you're okay?" He asked looking at me with concern. "Yea i got some soap in my eyes that's all." I forced a fake smile and walked away going downstairs to where the others were.

"Breakfast is done by the way." I nodded at him and walked to the kitchen and got my plate of food. When I saw Chan I decided to ask him the one question that has been bothering me for a while.

"How did you even get to Korea in the first place?" I asked him he turned around and sat next to me with his food, "Felix brought me along with him when he left for South Korea to live with his aunt, then we parted ways till 3 years ago. He had run away from his aunts and found me. When we saw each other we got more people who were like us, Runaways, and created this group. We called ourselves Stray Kids for that reason."


      When we arrived I walked into the building going up to the 2nd floor where it was at. 3 of their members followed me up to my where room was. When we got there I got the key that was under the mat and unlocked the door. We walked inside and they followed me to my room and sat down on the bed as I got out 3 big suitcases. I then grabbed all of my clothes and necessities from the bathroom and packed them.

Changbin, Minho, And Jisung all grabbed a suitcase while I carried the bag that had all of my computer stuff in it. "What's that bag for?" Jisung asked. "This is for my food" I was holding a giant duffel bag in my right hand heading towards the kitchen. I put all of my junk food and drinks in the duffel bag and we handed back down to the van. 

      "That's a lot of stuff," Bangchan said as we were putting everything in the trunk. "Not really, no," I said, "Really? because it looks like you have suitcases full of clothes and a duffle bag full of who knows what." He got me on that one, I did have a lot of stuff. "well- just drive" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and pouted. he just chuckled and continued to drive back to the house.

      When we got to the house I put everything into my room and went to the living room where Felix, Hyunjin, and Jisung was at. "When am I going to start my training?" I asked them as they were playing video games. they looked at me and just went back to their game. "Hello? I asked you a question" Felix glanced at me, "After this game jisung will go teach you how to use knives." I just nodded and went back up to my room. In my room I decided to exercise a bit while I waited, I worked out mainly my abs and bicepts. I kinda have abs but ill need to work out more to get them. After about 30 minutes of working out, Jisung nd Felix walked into my room.

        "Knock next time! I might have been changing!" I said to them, they both got red and looked at each other, then at me, then to the floor. "Sorry, we just aren't used to having a girl living in the house." Jisung said scratching his neck. "Lets go train" his voice always gives me shivers down my spine, Its just so deep. "Come on." I snapped out of it after hearing felix' voice again. "Y-yea" I rushed over to them and walked right next to them. "Knife training right?" I asked, they just nodded their heads as we turned down the hall and reached the training room.

~Hardships~ Lee Felix FFWhere stories live. Discover now