"I say we go take quests about helping the folks out in the village Pierence!"

But a man wearing leather armor and has a large wooden bow strapped on his back interdicts. His voice is also very young, crass and youthful

"I say we do, I like hunting Orcs out in the forest of Derval Grifvet."

A tall woman with long black hair, wearing a beautiful mage robe then steps in with a voice that could calm an angry giant

"I say we go to another Guild building and find better paying quests."

"But Eattare, we'll have to go through the city and head to the East gate."

The elf with short red hair in the table puts her hands down on the table, and with the voice of a young girl, she screams with great energy.

"I say we head to the East gate and get ourselves some more interesting quests than hunting Orcs in the open!"

The group is silenced by her straightforward approach, Grifvet then stands up.

"Well, we heard the lady speak. Let's go!"

"Man, Ingraine, you should get a job in the Kingdom's political sector or something."

As they were about to leave the building, a party of three Knights clad in intimidating enchanted armor stepped in loudly through the front door with the head of an Orc Commander in hand. The entire lobby stares at the huge Knights with visible blood on their spiky armor that covers them from head to toe, not a hint of skin visible. They look back at the lobby and slowly walk to the desk. The beautiful clerk was thoroughly shocked at the figure of three hulking Knights. Though distorted by the big helmets they're wearing, the voice of a mature man is heard.

"Is this the Guild house ma'am?"

The Elven Clerk replies in fear.

"Mhm, yes. This is the Guild house of West Gate."

"I'd like to submit this Orc Commander's head. The reward was Two thousand Aeralous Gold. Am I correct?"

"O-o-of course. Please take it."

The Clerk takes a small sack from below her desk and places it on the table.

"Tha-nk you for your service sir Knights."

"You're welcome."

The Knight places the Orc Commander's head at the desk and collects the Gold coins, using their teleportation magic to make it disappear. They then slowly walk outside and into the lively crowd in the street.

"Man! They looked so cool!"

"I've never seen those Knights before. A lot of weird people have been popping up since the last few months."

"I've heard that those people came from a continent rattled by the Demon Lord."

"That could explain why they always look so well armed and equipped."

"I suggest we stay away from those types. Something about them seems wrong."

"What's wrong with them?"

"Don't you think it's weird that they don't know that this is the Guild house?"

"That could be because they came from a foreign place."

"Maybe, but something still feels wrong about them. From how they look and show themselves. You know they're on an entirely different level from us, and I've never heard that accent before."

"That's true. Those Knights seemed so lifeless, as if what they did was just a chore. But killing that Orc Commander meant they walked in a Dungeon and killed everyone inside it till the last floor."

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