It was the man from the club last night.

She looked up at him with wide eyes, finally able to see how his features looked. She took his face in, gentle freckles dusted his nose bridge and his hair was neatly combed back, making his sharp cheekbones more prominent. His left eyebrow raised in question at her and that seemed to pull her from her surprised gaze.

"A bit," She managed to get out.

"You should've stayed in bed then,"

She narrowed her eyes at him, opening her mouth to say something but before she could, his intend stare was snapped from her and held to behind her. Just then, the principal came, greeted her in his usual way; annoyed.

She slugged behind them as they walked into the large office. The principal held the door open for them and she watched as he ducked his head as he walked through the door. His height was intimidating to say the least, and so were his face and his hands and everything about him.

The took her seat next to Emily Jurgen, the Mathematics teacher. She wrung her hands together, nervously chewing on her bottom lip. The man stood at the head of the table and the principal took his seat to the right of him.

"Good morning," He greeted, his deep voice echoing in the room. "For those who might not know who I am, my name is Giovanni Armani, and I'm the Head investor of Primrose Primary,"

Rich. Was the first word that flashed in her mind and her face absentmindedly pulled into a frown as she looked up at him. His eyes flashed towards her and the corner of his lip tugged up into an almost grin.

"I called this meeting today in regards to the new term that will be happening after the break. My apologies for calling you all in whilst you're on holiday, but I wanted to get this over and done with, yes?"

Everyone watched him as he spoke and she noticed how he looked like he was basking in the attention, standing up straight and his shoulders back, hands moving as he spoke. His black suit hugged him gracefully, making him look ten times more important.

"As we all know, the heads of the school administration came together last week to discuss the new term. The amount of new students that will be joining each school was their main subject, but it will not be mine."

"It have come to my attention that there is a lack of discipline within the teachers of this school. Now, I'm not calling anyone out, but I have heard word from some people that teachers have been skipping periods to do God knows what,"

Arabella knew she didn't skip, but it made her feel guilty for some reason. Guilt flashed on some of the faces and she looked down at her hands, smiling at their inability to not show their emotions on their faces.

"With the most amount of respect I say this: Do not waste my time nor my money. I funded this school for my love of children. My idea was to teach children the knowledge they needed to grow into smart, driven adults and you would agree with me if I said that if there isn't a teacher to teach, the children will stay children, yes?"

Arabella watched as he opened his hand towards Doris, and she passed him a folder. "I'll be reading a few names off this list and when I say your name, you say what you teach, understand?"

Everyone nodded, and he began: "Everlyn Adams?"

She raised her hand, "Geography for grades five and six,"

He nodded, taking a pen from inside his suit jacket and ticking her name off. "Margaret Barkley?"

The blonde raised her hand, "Spanish and history for grades seven and six," He ticked her name off, and anxiety flooded Arabella's veins as he got closer to her name. "Crystal Matthews?" She raised her hand quickly, lowering it to push up her glasses, "Social studies for grade seven,"

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