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Luciana's POV:
"Because I still love you...."as his lips descend onto mine,leaving me frozen.I feel my lips on instinct move with his,but I remember that I don't love him anymore.
I push him away as my feelings start to giddy.

"Nooo...this never happened and it will never happen"I say looking at his eyes that morph to pain and understanding.

"I said it"he says,I sigh sadly,he's always had commitment issues.

"I'm really proud of you Aiden,
but I want you to know that I will never be second sloppies"I say genuinely hurt.

"I love you Luciana I've always loved you"he says genuinely making my heart swell.
His body falls against the door as he looks at me smiling softly.I sit beside him.

"Do wanna know something"he mutters as he glances away from me.

"You were my first"

I look at him dumbfounded,no way I thought he was experienced.

"Really"I ask,as his cheeks heat up


I smile softly,as my lust gets the best of me.I move my body to straddle his lap.His eyes widen as his hands slide to my thighs massaging them softly.

"Luciana"he says as our lips gaze closely together,his  plump lips gaze mine as our lips meet in a heated kiss.Our tongues exploring each other's mouth expertly,I grip his dirty blond hair gripping it tightly as a moan escapes his mouth.
I come to my senses when his hand slips to my ass gripping my flesh tightly.

"St...stop"I say utterly stupid

Ohh god what have I done,that was a mistake,I feel nothing for him.

"Ughhh....just forget about me and be with my sister,you deserve someone better,I can't be with you,I'm sorry Aiden"I say leaving the room like my ass is on fire.

I walk away with the constant thought of my stupidity,I can never love.Its to complicated,I loved once and that shattered me to a point where I went to my darkest places.It was like my mind took over everything,the darkness in me shattered me inside out.It took me a while,but love isn't for everybody.I quit after Ally and Michael.They left me in a shitty world by myself.I don't blame them for what they did,but I can't get over the fact that they left me by myself to deal with my own demons.

"Hey where were you"Angelo asks,as I force a smile on my face.

"I'm good I got a little lost that's all"I say as I hear a door bang shut.Omg I hate myself,wtf,why would I lead him on.Im so cruel,gosh I have to be better.

"Luciana"I hear Papas voice boom the hallways,I walk away with Angelo behind me .

"Yes papa"I say casually,not like I made out with someone a couple of minutes ago.Ohh god I am a slut,am I .

"Come say your goodbyes"he says as everyone's attention goes to me.I hate audiences but it's whatever.

"Umm goodbye everyone"I say nervously,wtf am I supposed to say.

I stand in the hallway while everyone else is in the hall chatting among themselves.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow"Paula says leaving me wide eyed,school tomorrow,seriously fuck my life.I stand at the end of the hallway wide eyed while everyone grins at my reaction.

"I guess"I say giving papa confusion eyes

"Ohh i forgot to tell you sorry princess"
I shrug it off as people start shaking and hugging there goodbyes.

I stay in the back so no one can touch me I guess,I'm in no mood at the moment.I let myself daze in the thoughts of Ally and Micheals lifeless body.

"Luciana"I hear someone call out,I look up to see Sofia shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah"I say as she drags me out of the hallway to the entrance of the mansion.

"What's wrong with you"

I shrug softly,but she gives me those scary eyes.

"I..I did something stupid"I say staring at something other than her eyes.

"What did you do"

"I might or might have not kissed Aiden"I say looking down on the ground ashamed.

"Wtf"she screams a little to loudly earning some of the guards eyes on us.

"Yeah but not right here can you stay over tonight"

I say hoping she can be someone I can expose myself to.I haven't heard form Gabriel ,not texts,no calls,no emails,no answers,it's like he's left just like everyone else in my life.I keep making lame excuses that he broke his phone or something bad has happened.Lame excuses to help reduce the pain coming when I find out he left just like everyone else.

"I can't I'm sorry I have school"she says leaving me sad but I just shrug it off although it's killing me inside.

"It's ok"I say forcing a fake smile

"Let's go"I hear Lucianos voice scream at me and Sofia as we are at the main entrance door.

We walk to the car as everybody makes there way to there respective cars,I sit in between Angelo and Giovanni.

Its silent on the way back home,a good silence tho.The silence that makes silence the best piece of art.The presence makes you feel at peace,no word said just there presence.Silence is golden.

We make it back home as everybody diverts to there respective rooms.I walk back to my room,hoping to get a goodnight sleep.I walk in dropping onto my bed and stare at the glowing stars.

"Look at the stars instead of the dark",that's what they say but instead of the stars I look at the darkness"

Enjoy 😊

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