My eyes stared intensely at the ring. I tried to take it off but it just won't budge.

Realizing that I coudn't do anything, I sighed. Giving up with the ring, I looked at my hands and created a small ball of darkness.

Dark power..

It's still here.

My ability to control the darkness didn't change one bit. Even my mastery in controlling it became stronger now. But why?

This power should've only been given to me when I became why..and how?

Did my experience from being a dark user and assassin stayed even though I came back in time?

Crouching my back and put on a stance, I ran to a tree and skillfully jump and climbed up to the top as if it was nothing.

I jumped off and then decided to try doing my weapon combat skills. Clenching my fists and closing my eyes, I imagine holding a sword on my hands.

After taking a deep breath, I swung my arms while thinking of having Josh as my opponent. With my moves getting faster and stronger, I stopped and opened my eyes.


Confirmed. My experiences stayed with me.

My body is a bit slow than my original pace but it's only because it haven't adjusted to my combat. I guess I have to start and train myself from the start, again.

Putting that aside, the skies are getting darker. The dimmed trees surrounding the area will give creeps to anyone, fortunately, I'm not normal.

I stretched my arms and slapped away the dust from my white longsleeved polo and black pants.

I closed my eyes for a bit and felt my magic energy circulating my body. Darkness started to form around the ground and gathered.

The dark energy slowly produced a pure black human-like figure. The human shadow kneeled infront of me by one knee.

Dark shadows.

Mysterious beings formed from the power of darkness. Giving its loyalty to its master and shall abide in every order given to them.

But, compared to other dark shadows, the shadows I create appeared in a more natural way that prevents anyone from noticing them especially in dark places.

They can merge in anything and everywhere at both day and night, as long as I have mana, my shadow will never disappear.

A small smile rised at the side of my lips. ''Show me the way.''

Following my command, the shadow stepped forward towards the direction, which I believed is the way out, while I followed.



From the back forest of a ginormous mansion, Rosh stood firm eyeing the familiar location.

The famous Razon Manor.

Home of one of the four great ducal families of Ainchleim Kingdom. Rosh showed his contempt by showing a bitter expression.

''My, my. How I miss this hellhole.'' He sarcastically muttered with disdain.

The place where he felt all the pain and jealousy he had for the happy family living with him.

Rosh calmed himself down, he shoudn't do anything yet.

In this life, he must learn how to be patient. He won't ask for attention anymore.

That doesn't mean he'll stop. After everything he suffered and went through because of them, there's no way will he let them go without revenge.

Killing them isn't an option either.

He will let them feel everything he felt in his past life. How it felt being tortured. How it felt being the lowest of the low. Everything! They will face the wrath of the new Rosh Edward del Razon.

Planning in the shadows is his best zone. He will stomp them down, slowly, without them knowing.

Rosh stopped his mind from burning down the mansion. This is the main rule of being a killer.

Never let emotions sway you.

Stepping forward, Rosh quietly went to the other side of the manor where his room his located.

The left side of the main wing.

Using the power of darkness, Rosh transformed into a shadow and climbed up to the walls to the window corner of his room.

When he was a child, he always leaves his windows open because fresh air is what calms down his anger towards Josh and his parents.

Rosh transformed back from being a shadow and slowly opened the window.

He quietly went inside and closed his windows once again.


Feeling a bit sticky because he had been outside for too long, Rosh decided to prepared a bath for himself.

After bathing and drying himself, he changed into his pajamas and sat down on his king sized bed.

Rosh looked at his right hand where the ring, Siltheur's emblem, was.

''..a cursed relic, huh..''


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