Am I too much about choosing to pursue my real love? To try and go back to my old life! To try and follow my heart! Am I too much to want to breathe and walk away from the life that they are putting me into, the one where I'm not familiar with! The life where I don't recognize myself anymore! I just want to live a life that I'm familiar with and not with someone whom I don't even recognize.

Am I too much? Am I?

End of flashback

I was still here outside our house when I finally saw my boyfriend's car, so I immediately ran to him and hugged him. I started to stop myself from thinking about different things.

Things that will just make me confused! It is the man that I love! I love him so much, and I know he loves me too! I should focus on him and not think of anything else right now.

"Hi, hon! Why took you so long! I've been waiting for you since earlier!" I said while hugging him

"I'm sorry, hon! I have to stop by a flower shop to have something for your mom! It is my first time meeting them. I have to impress them!" He smiling said to me

I let go of our embrace; I just encircle my arms into his nape while he encircles his arm into my waist.

"You know you don't have to! What's important is your presence, and you prove to them how much you love me. They have anticipated meeting you since I told them that I have a boyfriend already! If only the time permitted, you would have met them sooner, but many things happen, so here we are." I smilingly said to him. He kisses me by my noise and smiles back at me before speaking.

"I know, hon! That is why I have to do my best to impress them if I want to have you! I already lost you before. I don't want that to happen again." He seriously said to me. It made me curious again about why the hell did we end up away from each other for two years. Maybe I should ask him but now is not the right time, especially since he is meeting my parent.

"Okay, Hon, come on! Mom and dad are already inside; I didn't tell them you are the one coming. I want to surprise them!" I lied about this, I already attempted to tell them to meet Hai yesterday, but my mom is against it. This day, I decided to surprise them so they would not choose to meet him. I can't fully be happy with my relationship with Hai if my parents are against it. I don't know why they hate Hai so much, but I need to solve it now instead of waiting longer.

"Come, Hon! Let's go inside!" I smilingly said to him, he just smiled at me as an answer.

Hai and I excitedly entered the house, but as we entered the house, my parents already saw us and immediately angrily approached us.

"What the hell is that man doing here? Are you out of your mind Dane? I already told you not to let him go here! Do you have no conscience now? What do you think Gavin will say if he knows you are letting another man be clingy to you and you brought him here to our house! For God's sake Dane! This is not right!" My mom angrily said while my dad was just calming her.

Oh my God! Shee mentions Gavin. I haven't been able to tell Hai about him! What am I going to do now! I looked at Hai. He now looked confused

"Gavin? Who is he, Hon?" Hai was confusedly asking me. I slip out from Hai, hold on to me, and face him

"Hon, Gavin is... uhm he is..." Gosh! What am I going to tell Hai! Should I tell him who Gavin is to me?

"So you haven't told him who Gavin to your life Dane is? God! Dane! What the hell is this! This is cheating! This is a sin! I can't believe that you were able to do this! Yes! You have amnesia, but this is wrong! This is wrong!" My mom angrily said to me, I don't know what to do! This is confusing me!

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