Ch 4: Second Year III

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3rd Person (Great Hall, Great Feast)

Percy sat next to Daphne at the Slytherin table, dressed in his uniform, perfectly tied and pressed, his mother made sure to instill a habit of keeping his uniform perfect. 

Picking at the chicken on his plate, Percy looks around, 'I wish they had blue food' 

The food at Hogwarts was incredible, he always remembered to stop by the kitchens every once in a while to thank the elves for their cooking, they always thanked him back profusely, and he always (whether he wanted to or not) ended up walking away with a cookie or some sort of treat.

He looked at Daphne, who seemed to be trying her best to look interested in what Malfoy was saying. 

"My father says something big is gonna happen this year. Something about the mudbloods! Whatever it is, I hope it gets Granger first!" 

Percy clenched his fist under the table and turned away from the conversation, Draco's voice would probably force his ears to run off his head and die.

He looked at the Ravenclaw table and got up, "Daphne, I'm going to go chat with someone I met earlier, I'll see you in the common room" 

Daphne nodded, and sent a look that seemed an awful lot like a 'Take me with you!' but he knew she had to stay.

Quickly walking over to the end of the Ravenclaw table, Percy sat next to Luna, who was alone. 

"Hello, Percy Jackson."

"Hello, Luna...and you can just call me Percy"

"Okay then, you still have the nargles" 

Percy chuckled a little, Luna had an extremely unique personality, not a bad one, but unique. 

Scanning the Great hall, Percy's eyes finally landed on a girl with bushy hair, Hermione was sitting at the Gryffindor table, alone with a book, she seemed relaxed, but Percy knew better. Hermione would always scrunch up her eyebrows, and clench her jaw when she was worried, no matter how long since it had been since they were friends, Hermione hadn't changed in that regard.

And he already knew why Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were not sitting next to her.

"I wonder where they went" Luna pondered.


"Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley, that is who you just noticed where gone, right?"

" did you know that?"

"I just know things" 

Percy nodded, and went to stand "I'll be right back Luna" 

Walking up to the staff table, Percy walked right up to his head of the house, Professor Severus Snape. 


"Yes, Mr. Jackson?"

"I've just noticed that I didn't see Potter of Bil-sorry Weasley at the feast sir I just wanted to inform you, should I also tell Professor McGonagall?"

"Interesting, no, I will handle Mr. Potter and Weasley, go back to the feast, I will go find them" 

"Yes, professor" Percy turned to go sit back down. 

"Oh, Mr. Jackson?"

"Yes, sir?"

"5 points to Slytherin, for informing a teacher of suspicious behavior and occurrences" 

"Thank you, sir" 

After that, Percy sat back down next to Luna.

"What did you do up there?"

"Well, I decided to tell Professor Snape that Potter and Bilius were missing"

"To get them in trouble?"

"Partially, but mainly because it was my duty as a student to report a wrong, I do dislike the two though" 

Luna looked like she was going to ask why, so Percy quickly changed the subject.

"Okay...So Luna, how is it being a Ravenclaw?"

"Oh, well it's fine, that Chang girl looks at me strangely, but I think I'll be alright, both my parents were Ravenclaws" 

"That's good, my mother was a Hufflepuff."

"What about your father?" 

Percy tensed a little, he had never actually come up with a real cover story for his Dad, it was always 'He was lost at sea' and usually people wouldn't ask after that, so he never really had to tell them about his Dad's magical past, or lack-there-of.

"Um, he was lost at sea...he didn't go here" 

"So he was a muggle?"


"Wizard then...hmm what school did he go to?"

"He lived in America, so perhaps Illvermorny? I don't really know." 

"That would be interesting" 

Percy noticed a small scuffle from outside the Great Hall's doors. It was Professor Snape, dragging a certain Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley by their ears. 

"Well, he found Potter and Bilius" 

"Oh...who's Bilius?"

"Oh, that's what I call Ronald, I have decent relations with most of the Weasleys, but Bilius, he just hates me, I don't even know why!" 

"That's strange...rather loony if I say so myself" 

Percy caught Cho Chang snicker in the background but paid it no mind.

Turning back to the scene, Percy saw Snape say something to Bilius, before pulling them out of view. 

Now, Percy liked Professor Snape, the man was kind to him, and always gave good tips when he was struggling in potions (rare but it happens), but even he knew, that you should never, ever, ever, get on his bad side. That man could hold grudges for longer than the person he dislikes is alive, and if you get him mad, he will stay mad at you for probably your entire lifespan.

Harry Potter ad Ronal Weasley were two of the many individuals, that he had a reason to dislike. 

He may not like the two, but an angry Snape, that was scary.

'May magic have mercy on their souls'

Percy then let loose a roaring laugh at his enemy's misfortunes but quickly stopped when Luna looked at him weirdly.

There done!


During the School Years ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now