Ch 2: Second Year I

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Alright, Lighting Theif goes about the same, it is now the beginning of the second year!

3rd Person

"Percy!" Sally called "Percy get down here, we're going to be late!"

Percy groaned and practically slithered deeper underneath his bedsheets, it was time for school supplies shopping, something which Percy hated very much.

'Icky social interaction'

"PERSEUS ANCHILLES JACKSON!!! You get down here right now!"

Resigning himself to the fact that his fate was inevitable, Percy hopped out of bed and threw on some Jeans. 

"Coming Mom!" 

Quickly shoving some socks into his pocket, and grabbing his hoodie, Percy ran down the stairs to the kitchen, where the dishes were putting themselves into the washer, and his mom was sitting at the table eating her breakfast, another serving sitting in the place-setting across from her. 

"There you are! Percy didn't I tell you we were leaving early!? You have a lot of books this year! And did you brush your teeth!?" 

Percy blushes and shrugged his shoulders "No?"

Sally sighed and waved her wand, Percy immediately felt a slight burning sensation in his mouth and a horrible walnut taste.

'Tooth Brushing charm...yuck' 

"Urgh! Mom, why did you do walnut! You know that I hate walnut."

"Yes, and let's hope that teaches you to brush your teeth, mister!"

Percy sighed "Yes mom"

Quickly finishing up breakfast, the two got their floor powder and went to their internationally registered floo, one of the few fireplaces in the United States that was registered as being able to transport people across a nation's border, or in this case, the Atlantic Ocean.

"Diagon Alley, London!" They both cried, making sure to speak with perfect clarity, normal floos were already dangerous, but a mess up with an International Floo could end up with you on the other side of the world, being thrown in a volcano, or even ending up in Antarctica. 

In a burst of emerald flames, the pair was off to London.


Percy and Sally were walking through Diagon Alley, getting Percy's Second Year School Supplies.   

"Percy, we should stop off at Madam Malkin's! I swear you've grown over three inches over the summer!" 

"Mom!" Percy cried, reddening in embarrassment as some of the people around them smiled in amusement. 

Entering the shop, Madam Malkin quickly attended to them, getting Percy some Uniforms that were altered to his now taller stature, and sewing his Green Slytherin emblem on each and every one.

After getting some new clothes, the two went to Flourish and Blotts, to get Percy's course books for the year. 

"Mom I don't understand why we need all eight of his books! None of them are textbooks! They are just his personal works, the Second Year DaDa textbook is on the list! Why not ignore the stupid celebrities' stories and just get the textbook!" 

During the School Years ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now