Reason Enough to Celebrate

Start from the beginning

As she walks by her car, she thinks she needs a moment to collect herself before she goes home to everyone, so she stops by the bar, because she can always find someone to talk to at Joe's. Even if it ends up being Joe.

"He didn't ask about you. In the end. I'm so sorry," Meredith addresses Addison the same way she'd address a patient's loved one if they didn't make it.

It feels just as tragic, and just as heavy. And Meredith feels just as responsible.

"It happens," Addison sighs.

"Doesn't mean you have to let it," says Meredith.

"I had a bad feeling about coming here," says Addison.

"To the bar?" Meredith asks her.

"No, to Seattle," Addison sighs. "I just feel like everyone else has moved on, and I'm stuck in the past," she sighs.

"I know the feeling," says Meredith. "Look, you don't have to, but I know what might cheer you up right now," says Meredith. "Okay, and it'll help cheer my friends up also."

"Okay?" Addison questions.

"Come to thanksgiving dinner with us. Izzie's cooking. George and Cristina are on their way. And you deserve to be with people," Meredith offers.

"I'd be intruding," says Addison.

"Nonsense," says Meredith. "And I'd feel weird showing up all by myself."

"At your own house?" Addison giggles.

"C'mon," Meredith says, "You need to eat anyway," she says.

"Alright," says Addison. "I never did get lunch after all. So I'm starving."

Meredith drives, because Addison's already been drinking, and when they get there they see Alex hesitating outside the door.

"Go on, it'll make Izzie happy," says Meredith encouragingly.

"Is that why you brought Dr. Montgomery?" Alex asks her.

"Yes," says Meredith. "And she needed the company."

Izzie is, in fact, thrilled that there's three more people at dinner, and she cuts the turkey that she and Preston Burke made, and it's delicious.

Addison relaxes when she realizes that she knows someone else already, and the conversation is centered around George's hunting, and Cristina's wishbone surgery, and all the sutures that Alex had been doing anyway.

"I had a really good time," says Addison, as Cristina and Alex, and Burke are headed out to leave.

"Me too, thanks for coming," says Meredith, as she stabilizes Addison, who is swaying a little.

"Ooh, I'm gonna feel this in the morning. Not used to drinking like this anymore," Addison giggles.

"Stay over," Meredith offers. "People crash at my house all the time, and you can't drive," Meredith shrugs.

"Are you sure?" Addison says shyly.

"Sure," says Meredith, as she leads Addison back into the house.

Some of Meredith's extra pajamas fit Addison well enough, and Addison offers to take the couch before Meredith offers her the bed, which Addison won't accept, so they settle on sharing it.

They're saying goodnight as Meredith turns the light off when Addison looks impossibly small, and Meredith can't help but curl up to her.

"He doesn't love me anymore," Addison whimpers.

"Do you want to know the truth?" Meredith asks her.

"Yes please. Rip it off. No anesthesia," says Addison.

"He said he wasn't sure," Meredith sighs. "I asked him and he said he wasn't sure if he loved you. And I told him that wasn't good enough," she offers.

"Why would you say that?" Addison asks her.

"Because it's true. If he loves you fine. If he doesn't, fine. But my patient today was in limbo for over a decade. And you don't deserve to live like that. And neither do I. so he might as well get over it."

"Thank you, Meredith," says Addison. "I don't think I'd have been strong enough to do it myself."

"Hey, I owed you one," says Meredith. "It's no problem. Anyway, sleep well, and I'll see you in the morning," she yawns.

"Okay," says Addison, curling into Meredith's arms. "I'll see you in the morning."

It might not have been the Thanksgiving that either of them started out imagining.

But as they fall asleep, it finally hits them.

They have a lot to be thankful for.






***** FIN

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