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"Since when did you and Indy get so close?" 

I nearly jumped in my own skin at the sound of Raja's voice behind me. It had been a week since Indy and my escapade at collecting money to break people up officially began. When I got back from my suspension, I received whoops and cheers from my classmates. 

I was currently seated in the lunchroom at Indy's table, waiting for her so we could go over plans for our next... person. 

Raja eyed me suspiciously as she invited herself to sit with me, taking Indy's seat beside mine. I felt my cheeks grow red as her eyes narrowed, and I willed myself to disappear. 

"Are you and Indy dating? Is that why you covered for her?" she asked. I shot a sympathetic look at her. It felt horrible lying to my best friend. In fact, I would have preferred her to be angry at me than to sound this deflated. I wished that I could tell her what we were doing. 

As I opened my mouth to speak, I was cut off by approaching footsteps, the heels of dress shoes stopping in front of the table. 

"Thou art in my seat," Indy pointed out with a friendly smile to Raja with her Shakespearean voice. She was clearly joking, but I noticed a slight tremor of Raja's hand as she stood from the table, her feminine, delicate features contorted into anger. 

"This is your fault, with your stupid drama bullcrap. You're the one who convinced Logan to do that stupid prank, and now, he's in trouble!" she shouted, and the whole lunchroom seemed to hush at her outburst. She didn't pay them any mind. 

Indy looked surprised at Raja's words, but not indignant. 

"Raja, stop. It wasn't Indy's idea. I wanted to distract the school's attention from the photo, so I asked her," I said, hoping this would stop Raja from pouncing on the other girl like a lion. Raja still glared at Indy but took a step away from the table, then two, before she stalked out of the lunchroom. 

My head tilted down as my fork leafed through rubbery chicken nuggets arranged on my plate. I felt the light brush of air on my arm. Confused, I glanced up at Indy, who was blowing on my arm, causing the tiny hairs to shift. 

When I looked at her, expressing my puzzled feeling on my face, she grinned and said, "Don't you know that the best way to get rid of negativity is by blowing it away?" I couldn't help my lips curving up at this as I shook my head, shoving a nugget into my mouth as Indy began practicing her lines again.

After lunch, I muddled through the rest of my classes, still feeling guilty. Hiding things from Raja, taking money from people to hurt others... who was I becoming? Was I still the same Logan who shared a popsicle with his best friend on a hot summer day because she dropped hers?

"Good morrow, Fishboy! Ready to hit the waves?"

I glanced up from my locker to see Indy, her long raven hair cascading over her face like Samara from The Ring. I shuddered at this, closing my locker with a metallic clang. I hated scary movies with every ounce of my soul. 

"Pools don't have waves," I said.  

Indy chuckled at this, pushing her hair back. "But you'll be making waves. Anyway, sorry for the scare, but your reaction was priceless. We need to discuss our next clients, and more importantly, how much your best friend hates me. I mean, she put a threatening note in my locker this afternoon," Indy said. 

"How do you know it was her?" I asked with a raised brow, adjusting the strap of my black bag with my swim stuff.

Indy looked amused by my question. "She signed it." She dug in her pocket before pulling out a pink slip of paper. The note was written in loopy cursive, exactly like Raja's, and Indy was right. The idiot signed her name at the bottom of a death note. 

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